Stealing the headline a bit from Tom Nelson, who finds this gem
(AP) Tempers are snapping as fast as the snow-laden branches that brought down power wires across the Northeast last weekend, with close to 300,000 Connecticut customers still in the dark and the state’s biggest utility warning them not to threaten or harass repair crews.
Angry residents left without heat as temperatures drop to near freezing overnight have been lashing out at Connecticut Light & Power: accosting repair crews, making profane criticisms online and suing. In Simsbury, a hard-hit suburban town of about 25,000 residents, National Guard troops deployed to clear debris have been providing security outside a utility office building.
This is what the world is in for if the Alarmists have their way, and do away with the current power methods (again, I’m no big fan of coal and oil, but, they work) in favor of the alternative methods (which I like, but are not ready for prime time). Said Alarmists will also be the first in line to complain when they have to hold their wine and cheese parties by candlelight when it’s cold.
Make sure to read the whole article, which is about anger after anger, people wanting to vent, etc.