My good blog-friend Carol, at No Sheeples Here, asks that today, Memorial Day, you can take some time to help our wonderful military folks
Every Memorial Day, families and communities across the nation take time to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation. There are parades and picnics and concerts in the park. Many people today view it as simply another long weekend that marks the beginning of summer.
This Memorial Day, I’d like to ask you to be a hero and purchase a Care Package for one of our brave service members.
I’ve done it. Now, it’s your turn. This crosses Party/Political lines. They keep us safe, and allow us to grill out and go shopping on Memorial Day. Make sure you head to No Sheeples Here and read the whole thing, then help out.

You’re a doll for supporting this worthy cause. Thanks for helping spread the word about Troopathon.