No mention in any story as of yet whether he is here legally or illegally, but, it seems like a pretty good bet with all the illegals in the Raleigh area
Raleigh police have arrested a 24-year-old man in connection with a series of shootings Monday night that left one teen dead and three others injured Monday night near the intersection of Capital and Crabtree boulevards, just inside the I-440 Beltline.
Investigators have charged Martin Perez Botello of Raleigh with one count of murder and three counts of attempted murder, Jim Sughrue, a Raleigh police spokesman announced this afternoon.
Tomorrow’s update will probably including something about an ICE detainer. Any bets? Especially since that area is one where quite a few migrant workers and illegals are known to live in and traverse.

teach when are you going to stop selling things to those suspected “illegals” ?
I’ll take that bet. Illegal aliens never commit crimes. They are, by far, more law-abiding than the legal alien and naturalized or born citizen.
Obama has what doubled or tripled the number of deportations ? Why not mention that Teach ?
teach when are you going to stop selling things to those suspected “illegals†?
When are you and your polluting truck going to stop delivering products to “illegals?”
Just another case of “do as I say and not as I do?”
Or are you still so intellectually and morally challenged that you refuse to see that people cannot refuse to sell items or services on the basis of country of origin?
You won’t answer because your answer will only continue to expose you for the fool and troll you are.
deportations tripled??? hahahahaa.. how can they double or triple when his policy is to let them go. He has even told ICE to stop raids.
Don’t get me wrong, I vilified the Repubs as well for their soft on illegals actions. ICE needs to do surprise checks every single day on every single business within 5000 miles of any border.
Now this is scary, I live about two miles from that intersection.
I drive by it often on the way to downtown (usually the Cameron Village library)
Botello was seriously twisted.