I was planning on ignoring politics and stuff for the rest of the day through Thanksgiving. I haven’t looked at my feedreader, avoided looking at Climate Depot and Google News, as well as all the other sites and blogs I frequent. Alas, an email from President Neophyte through Organizing For AmeriKa (wait, weren’t they the same ones who were calling Sarah Palin “dangerous” the other day? Does that mean the President approves of attacking a private citizen?) which starts out very well
William —
Tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day, Americans across the country will sit down together, count our blessings, and give thanks for our families and our loved ones.
American families reflect the diversity of this great nation. No two are exactly alike, but there is a common thread they each share.
Our families are bound together through times of joy and times of grief. They shape us, support us, instill the values that guide us as individuals, and make possible all that we achieve.
So tomorrow, I’ll be giving thanks for my family — for all the wisdom, support, and love they have brought into my life.
But tomorrow is also a day to remember those who cannot sit down to break bread with those they love.
The soldier overseas holding down a lonely post and missing his kids. The sailor who left her home to serve a higher calling. The folks who must spend tomorrow apart from their families to work a second job, so they can keep food on the table or send a child to school.
We are grateful beyond words for the service and hard work of so many Americans who make our country great through their sacrifice. And this year, we know that far too many face a daily struggle that puts the comfort and security we all deserve painfully out of reach.
So when we gather tomorrow, let us also use the occasion to renew our commitment to building a more peaceful and prosperous future that every American family can enjoy.
Very nicely done, Mr. President. However, then we get
It seems like a lifetime ago that a crowd met on a frigid February morning in Springfield, Illinois to set out on an improbable course to change our nation.
In the years since, Michelle and I have been blessed with the support and friendship of the millions of Americans who have come together to form this ongoing movement for change.
You have been there through victories and setbacks. You have given of yourselves beyond measure. You have enabled all that we have accomplished — and you have had the courage to dream yet bigger dreams for what we can still achieve.
So in this season of thanks giving, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you, and my anticipation of the brighter future we are creating together.
Once again, it is All About Obama. Sad, really. He should have left that part out, and just done the ending after the first excerpt.
With warmest wishes for a happy holiday season from my family to yours,
President Barack Obama
Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas to you, Mr. President, and all the wonderful troops serving who protect our way of life from people like you, Mr. President.

The soldier overseas holding down a lonely post and missing his kids. The sailor who left her home to serve a higher calling. The folks who must spend tomorrow apart from their families to work a second job, so they can keep food on the table or send a child to school.
Gee, MISTER PRESIDENT, maybe if your Democrat predecessors hadn’t completely screwed up, we wouldn’t have “soldiers overseas holding down a lonely post”. Maybe if you and your libtard cohorts hadn’t screwed with the economy and dumped us in a recession with 10+% unemployment, it wouldn’t be so hard for folks to “keep food on the table or send a child to school.” I bet the “folks” could really use those school vouchers, huh? Too bad you helped nix them.
How about you save the false platitudes, MISTER PRESIDENT, and devote a little more effort to CLEANING UP YOUR MESS. I think the American people would have a little more to be thankful for if we had a President that was actually working on the problems instead of firing off me-monkey self-important e-mails.
Me, I’m thankful that you and your liberal comrades are going to be in the unemployment line soon. Or in jail, but I think that would take a Christmas Miracle.
He had it so close, then blew it.
Did you see the video of him pardoning the turkey? He was actually pretty good and funny, for a change.
[…] survive their first harsh winter and continue to strengthen our Nation."If you remember from back on Wednesday, I said the beginning part was actually pretty good, before degenerating into typical Obama […]
[…] you remember from back on Wednesday, I said the beginning part was actually pretty good, before degenerating into typical Obama […]