Happy Sunday! Looking fine in the United States, a good day for fishing. This pinup is by Bill Layne, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in ye olde blosphere? The fine 15
- Tom Nelson has a list of AGW hoax promoters
- Oh, good, the Lockerbie bomber was set free for oil. Gateway Pundit has the details
- The Jawa Report points out that the Washington Post is proving that Dick Cheney is right
- Sister Toldjah says that the Left sank to a new low during Teddy’s funeral
- Maha, who neither watched any of the funeral nor read the transcript, still says it is no big deal to use kids at a funeral to promote ObamaCare
- Not a blog, but, Geoff Garin at the Washington Post says Republicans should use Kennedy’s example to join in and pass this Obamination of a health care bill
- Van Jones, a member of the Obama admin, denounced America the night after 9/11. Head to The American Spectator for the full story
- Little Green Footballs 2.0 offers up a letter to the guy who tried to mug me
- Good news! Obama officially abandons our allies on missile shied defense. Atlas Shrugs with the 411
- Uh oh. Jeans are now considered sexist by the feministas? Nooooo! Cassy Fiano provides the details
- Jules Crittenden discusses double reverse wack-a-mole. Wait, what?
- Nice Deb brings the Sunday funny
- Is RSS dead? Outside the Beltway discusses (No, definately not dead. How do you think I do the majority of these posts?)
- The Radio Equalizer catches lib talk making a wopper of a historical mistake
- And last, but not least, Right Wing Sparkle discusses Pelosi’s disgrace
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain, Saturday Linkarama at The Daily Gator, Me So Lazy Weekend Linkfest and Patriotic Hotties at Nation Of Cowards, and Christina wonders why we listen to economists The Classic Liberal. The TrogloPundit is doing Rule 2 linking all weekend. Start with this one.
Do you do a weekend linkfest? Let me know, and I’ll include you in the original Patriotic Pinup Sunday post!
BTW, regarding RSS, as a blogger, you should check your own RSS feeds to make sure they are working. Too often, I see ones go down. If you change your theme, make sure you use the exact same coding in your header file. Oh, and make sure you are sending out the blog name correctly from the header file.

[…] Remember, underneath it all … Three Beers Later offers an effort to achieve national unity. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup And Megan Fox: Progressive Cheesecake […]
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