The game has been out for a year, yet, all of a sudden, some folks are getting offended
Religious groups are calling for a ban on an online game where holy figures such as Jesus and the prophet Muhammad fight to the death.
Critics say the free Faith Fighter game is ‘deeply provocative’ and ‘disrespectful’ towards all world religions.
Muslims are particularly outraged because Islamic tradition prohibits drawings of Allah.
A spokesman for the Federation of Muslim Organisations said: ‘In the current climate, this game can only create fear about religion. ‘Having images depicting Muhammad in this way is also very offensive to our faith.’
And the UK Metro is too scared to publish an unedited screenshot
How about the real thing, just to be in violation of UN mandates?
Certainly, others were offended, but, the only ones we have to worry about getting violent are the Muslims. And the United Nations, as mentioned, is in their corner, as the makers of Faith Fighter tell us
Today after an official statement by the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) we decided to remove the game Faith Fighter from our site.
Faith Fighter was meant to be a game against intolerance that used over the top irony and a cartoonish style to express the instrumental use of religions.
Faith Fighter depicted in a mildly politically incorrect way all the major religions as a response to the one-way islamophobic satire of the Danish Mohammad cartoons.
If a established organization didn’t understand the irony and the message of the game and is claiming it is inciting intolerance, we simply failed.
As they point out at the end of their article, taking it down is symbolic, since it is available all over the ‘net. Such as here (quite frankly, kinda stupid, but, then, I don’t particularly care for “fighting” games.) Funny how the makers aren’t worried about taking down other games because of U.N. mandates, such as Operation: Pedopriest, Orgasm Simulator and Queerland.