Say, remember that letter that James Hansen wrote to Barry and Michelle Obama (why in the hell is Michelle included? Last time I checked, she was simply going to be the First Lady)? Well, he has expanded on it, and it is now on the Interebz. And the Aussies get a boatload of the blame (and, yeah, I was exaggerating with the headline)
The head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Professor James Hansen, has written an open letter to Barack Obama calling for a moratorium on coal-fired power stations and the use of next-generation nuclear power.
In the letter he says: “Australia exports coal and sets atmospheric carbon dioxide goals so large
as to guarantee destruction of much of the life on the planet.”
So, we nuke Aussieland, and bring about nuclear winter. Problem solved! Gotta love the hysteria over killing off most of the life, eh? I wonder if James has gone to candle power and horse yet.
Money quote
He said he wrote to Mr Obama as the incoming US president is in a position to instigate global change and “his presidency may be judged in good part on whether he was able to turn the tide (on climate change) – more important, the futures of young people and other life will depend on that”.
So, if the current trend of reducing or stagnent global temps continues, does that mean Barry has “won?”
Check out my post at Stop the ACLU: Muslims Gets $330K For Airplane Booting

[…] Check out my post at Pirate’s Cove: NASA Tells Barry To Nuke Australia For Global Cooling […]
I’d be willing to explain to you the weather events (El Nino and La Nina), which have resulted in this seemingly “stagnant” temp trend, if you like. 1998 was a very powerful El Nino, and we’ve had some moderate La Ninas recently.