I tell ya, this has got to leave a mark
Sarah Palin bests Joseph Biden 47% to 44% in a hypothetical head-to-head match-up for the presidency, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone surve.
In a Biden vs. Palin race, 84% of Republicans and 16% of Democrats back the Alaskan, and 75% of Democrats and 13% of Republicans support the senator. Unaffiliated voters give Palin the edge 45% to 39%.
And, I understand that most people surveyed thought Biden was really cranky and crusty.
Speaking of polls
- It is dead even in Va. again
- Pennsylvania is a dead heat now (big!)
- Barry’s lead in Colorado is down to 1
- Ohio has stretched to McCain by 4
- Florida has stretched to Mac by 7
- Utah is still massively McCain
- And in New York (drum roll, please), Barry’s lead is down to 5 (B46-M41)
What desparate attack ad will Barry and Co. come up with next cause of this?

I’m torn….Just imagine Biden as Prez….rattling on and on and on. OMG, painful. Just painful. But it really is a toss-up.
Oh, well, #1 still has to be Gore, however. He always sounds like the brown-nosing kid in Middle School that you wanted to punch after class!
So put Biden down as #2.
Actually McCain is ahead here. Whew. But I would gladly have him lose Colorado to gain a state with more electoral votes than our meager 9.
On the bright side, Maggie, you know Biden would never get anything done, so, it would be hard to mess up our lives.
I’ll trade Colorado’s electoral votes for NY’s.