US Walks Away From UN “Human Rights” Council

Well, it is about damned time the United States did this

(Reuters) The United States has quietly informed Western allies of its intention to walk away from the U.N. Human Rights Council, diplomatic sources said on Friday.

The U.S. delegation has observer status, with the right to speak, in the 47-member state forum, which meets in Geneva, and has never stood for election to the Council since it was set up two years ago.

Diplomatic sources and rights activists said that U.S. officials had informed the European Union on Friday morning of its intention to halt its involvement in the Council.

“They said they were going to disengage totally,” said one representative of a rights watchdog group.

I’m shocked! Why would the US not want to be involved with such bastions of human rights preservation as Angola, Egypt, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba, among others.

What does it get the USA? We give more money then any other country, and what we hear is how bad and evil we are (a position most liberals surely agree with). Heck, the UN is a human rights violator themselves, what with the sex and drugs parties, rape, and sexual abuse of children down to the age of 6 by UN peacekeepers, among others.

Something like this gives more credence to John McCain’s idea of a League of Democracies.

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4 Responses to “US Walks Away From UN “Human Rights” Council”

  1. Silke says:

    Teach said: I’m shocked! Why would the US not want to be involved with such bastions of human rights preservation as Angola, Egypt, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba, among others.

    Actually we happen to be very involved with several of these countries – some of which are close allies.

  2. Yeah, but that is more of a one on one, rather then an entire UN attacking us and Israel.

  3. Silke says:

    Oh, so it’s OK then to associate with these “bastions of human rights” as long as it’s not under the auspices of the U.N.?

  4. darthcrUSAderworldtour2007 says:

    Get SYRIAous…UN NECESSARY! The UN should be relocated to socialist Canada or Iceland…or Communist China. Guess she is a fan of the League of Nations too, eh? Back to your CNN, E-Channel, M-TV and Looney Tunes.

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