DUmmy poster petgoat, posting the DU September 11 forum, a hotbed for trutherism, has solved the mystery of 9/11, helping out all the Twoofers
I’m Going to Toot My Own Horn Here Just a Bit
Almost 18 months ago I shared these sketches, which didn’t go over very well here.
I’m not an engineer. I’ve worked in construction and read lots of books on building and I operate a lot in the failure mode through taking on the repair of hopelessly broken stuff other people consider garbage, and when I’m building stuff for my own use I deliberately underbuild it to try to generate instructive failures. My first project was as a five-year-old–a chair that provided an interesting (and instant) shear failure when I sat on it.
I have reason to believe that one of these days you’re going to see some diagrams from more authoritative sources that look something like these.
Do you want to see them? You sure? Positive? Here we go, the mystery of 9/11
And thusly, the mystery of 9/11 has been solved. Not sure what in the hell petgoat is going for, and he has several more etcha-sketches, and, based on the comments at the DU, neither did they. Seriously, how wacked out does a 9/11 conspiracy theory have to be that not even other moonbats will buy in to it? The sketches did not go over well 18 months ago, nor did they go over well now.
But, hey, he defends himself well!
- Yeah, that’s about the reaction I got 17 months ago. Just you wait, gentlemen.
- The rake on rake implication is obvious to ANYONE with any understanding of the construction of the twin towers and the official hypothesis about the collapses.
Just you wait!
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Faultline USA, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, , CORSARI D’ITALIA, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Wednesday Hero: 2nd Lt. Philip D. Palmer…
Today we honor a wonderful man by the name of 2nd Lt. Philip D. Palmer from Charleston, South Carolina. This Marine earned the Silver Star for exceptional leadership while under fire and the ability to guide his young Soldiers through some very…
Oh dear. Are they still doing that? Tell them to get a REAL job! Brother…
Hard to believe these “progressives” are still stuck on the CT’s about 9/11, eh? They truly are unhinged.