This is guaranteed to drive the left up to a level 8, at least
Canada is set to deport in June the first of possibly hundreds of American soldiers who sought asylum to avoid military duty in Iraq, a group backing the US deserters said Wednesday.
Corey Glass, 25, came to Canada in August 2006 after serving in Iraq as a military intelligence sergeant.
Authorities told him on Wednesday that his application to stay in Canada was rejected and he would be deported in early June, a spokeswoman for the War Resisters Support Campaign told AFP.
Welcome home! Enjoy lovely Fort Leavenworth or any other facility you get to vacation at.

HAAAAAAA! Who chooses the anti-spam word?
Well Sgt. Glass, way to lead. Posterchildren for quitters and the defeatocrats ……..positions are still available. When Canada won’t even take you, I guess Leavenworth will, eh!
This yellow coat will be a paid speaker at the August DNC. “Breaking rocks in the hot sun… I fought Uncle Sam and… Uncle Sam won. I fought the law and the law won!” No doubt he’ll also be an ANALyst on CNN and MSNBC/MSLSD!! Do you mean FREEDOM really isn’t…. FREE?
Time for a Memorial Day 21 GUN salute…without blanks! In a time of WAR desertion = DEATH!!