Remember back when one of cBS’s star witnesses to the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina was complaining that the levee’s were bombed, and cBS ignored that? ‘Memba how they joined in on the “President Bush’s FEMA was bad,” but never mentioned Chocolate City Nagin’s and Governor Blanco’s failure to do their jobs? Oh, hell, they kept pushing the “it was Bush’s fault!” meme. Interesting what comes out when we are a few months away from the 3rd anniversary
(CBS News) Despite more than $22 million in repairs, a levee that broke with catastrophic effect during Hurricane Katrina is leaking again because of the mushy ground on which New Orleans was built, raising serious questions about the reliability of the city’s flood defenses.
Outside engineering experts who have studied the project told The Associated Press that the type of seepage spotted at the 17th Street Canal in the Lakeview neighborhood afflicts other New Orleans levees, too, and could cause some of them to collapse during a storm.
The city is below the water level in many areas. It has the Mighty Mississippi running right through it and Lake Pontchartrain to the north. The highest point is 6 feet above sea level, and “the fact that New Orleans has not already sunk is a matter of luck.” 51% of the city is below sea level, while the rest is either at sea level or above. It actually averages 8 feet below sea level, and is, of course, surrounded by protective levees.
But, it was all Bush’s fault. So there!

… But Spike Lee and his Defeatocrat black cats said W did this with dynamite? Umbrella man 1963 / 2008? Please say this ain’t so?