I haven't done a DU thread in awhile. Usually, the Hufftards are more fun, being the place where all the really cool and insane seethers hang nowadays. But, I happened to be looking there for something, and ran across a thread about Chavez
Caracas, March 9, 2007 (venezuelanalysis.com)— Two suspects, including a captain of the Venezuelan National Guard, were detained late Thursday night for their presumed involvement in a conspiracy to assassinate the Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez.
A recorded telephone call in which one of the suspects talks about the planning of an attempt on the life of the president was televised Wednesday night on the state television channel VTV. This comes after President Chávez announced in a TV interview earlier this week that there are new plans for his assassination.
Now, I could probably get in to speculation into things like Chavez's power grabs, destroying opposition in true Socialist form, and possibly this even being manufactured, based on paragraph two. But, why bother, when we have the DUmmies!
- Hmm. CIA operatives? Or is my
too tight, tonight?
- Wonder what connection they have with the CIA?
- Would anybody really be shocked or surprised if it turned out that Negroponte was up to some of his trademark shennanigans?
- Yikes. And he is right about Negroponte. Good luck Hugo. Watch out. Be careful. Take care.
- It's the first thing that Chavez should investigate, however, what we're learning is that if there is intelligence involvement, it could be DIA, NSC, or the State Dept – because we know the WH no longer likes the CIA.
- You mean like the fair trial of Lt. Ehren Watada? Ever hear of double jeopardy? Ever read the US Constitution?Fair? Like the elections of 2000 and 2004? Need I point out Guantanamo concentration camp kangaroo courts?
- "thousands of leftists and students were killed by U.S.-backed government forces" And too many Americans still don't understand the real answer to "why do they hate us".
- Glad they caught the would-be assassins.
Yup, because you know it HAS to be the USA and BushCo behind the supposed attempt. There were a couple of DUer's who pointed out that Chavez may have brought it on himself, since he has virtually installed himself as dictator-to-be. Glad there are a few rational ones out there.
Meanwhile, can you imagine the furor if the story was about an assassination attempt against BushCo? They would be thrilled, as witnessed by what happened to Cheney. And Michelle Malkin has shown all sorts of assassination chic.
There would also be all sorts of insane conspiracy theories trialed by pink balloons, more then likely revolving primarily around it being manufactured to allow Bush to grab more power, suborn the Constitution, create a facist state, and put DUmmies in concentration camps. If you think I am going overboard, you haven't read the DU and other lefty sites enough.

How can you even peep at one of those blogs? I find it best for my sanity if pretend they don’t exist:)
Without a boubt Chavez is a dead man walking, but it won’t be anyone connected with the U.S. (unless he crosses the dhimmi’s) that does him in. His own people own guns and one of them will solve another world peanut brain problem for 75 cents, the cost of a bullet. Hopefully it will pass through him and hit Dimmy Carter in the chest. A head shot would do no damage.
Wow. I know they liked Chavez, but I didn’t realize how much. These utter morons on the left really don’t have a clue, do they? They really do love him. We’re in worse trouble than I thought.