Who knew that Grandmaster D could be, well, funny?
Dick Cheney took aim at the press corps Wednesday night…literally.
Subbing for President Bush–on his way to Cancun for a meeting–at the Radio & Television Correspondents Association dinner in Washington Wednedsay night was the “president of the Senate,” as he was introduced. “A man who also happens to be vice president of the United States.”
Cheney quickly moved the event from serious to comic: “I was a little startled by the size and the diversity of the crowd tonight. When I agreed to do this, I was told, ‘Hey, don’t worry about it, they’ll all be from Fox.'”
He said that he felt comfortable nonetheless. “The light could be better,” he said, pausing, then delivering the shot, “But I can still see the whites of your eyes [tumultuous laughter]”.
“I really spend a lot of time every day with the most powerful man in Washington,” Cheney said, as a slide of Karl Rove appeared to loud laughs. “So powerful, in fact, that he inserted that line in my remarks,” Cheney added.
Cheney said he had gotten some good advice from his wife, a scholar and author. Citing her children’s book, A Is For Abigail, he said he had been trying to write a children’s book himself, but he said his wife “didn’t care much for my first draft of B Is for Bunker Buster.'” (groan).
Cheney said McClellan told him to rethink his whole approach to the news media. “Here’s how I’ve been getting ready for the press corps,” said Cheney, as a slide appeared showing him aiming what looked like a high-powered rifle with a scope.
Comedian Frank Caliendo followed up, but who can top the Big DC?

I watched him last night and it was funny. NOT everyone in the audience laughed though…they were TOO stiff to see any humor.
Al Gore was there?