Monthly Archives: August 2004

Flesh Eating Disorder

Rather eye opening news for the am. Or anytime. GREENVILLE, N.C. — A woman in Pitt County has been diagnosed with Flesh Eating Disease. Medical rules are keeping the hospital from releasing her condition. The infection races its way through tissue that surrounds muscles. It destroys it and in extreme cases can cause death within […]


Is there any doubt that the red tape of government needs to be fixed? FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Many Army reservists are being called to active duty to help in the war on terrorism. But a Cumberland County man was more than surprised to get the order — and for good reason. He is parapalegic.

Kerry AWOL?

Next time a Lefty pulls out the “Bush AWOL” vitriol, inform them of this little gem, which comes from the Crush Kerry forums, search word AWOL. Kerry was AWOL from Navy Reserve service April 25, 2003 John Kerry signed an agreement as part of his naval officer commission to serve at least 3 years on […]

9/11 Cheney’s fault?

The Captain has a story about Chris Matthews blaming 9/11 on Dick Cheney. That would be Vice President of the United States of America Richard Cheney. If you are as offended as I am (though, Lord knows I rarely watch Matthews), drop a line to MSNBC

Top 10 Catastrophes

The AP has released a list of the Top 10 Catastrophe, as put together by the Insurance Services Office Inc. of Jersey City, N.J. Here it is: 1. Terrorist attack (New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania), September 2001 — $20.7 billion. 2. Hurricane Andrew, August 1992 — $19.9 billion. 3. Northridge, Calif., earthquake, January 1994 — $15.2 […]

What’s in a Name?

Just a little note regarding the name of my Blog. Why the Pirates Cove? And, isn’t there another blog in the Bear League called Pirates Blog? Well, I am a graduate of East Carolina University, which is the Pirates. I had been using the name Pirates Cove for maybe 5 years, on a few servers, […]

Hurricane Charley and Unemployment

In reference to a previous post, how soon till the Left will use the enemployment caused by Charley to slam President Bush? When the figures come out in September, will they remember why unemployment spiked?

What war on terrorism?

John Leno at Townhall has an interesting article on the ACLU ignoring a deal it made with the feds regarding hiring people on US Terrorist watch lists. Out for the day, big meeting. Enjoy.

6 Lefty Myths

Great article from FrontPageMag on Lefty myths. Check it out.

Hurricane Charley

Having lived through many hurricanes and tropical storms in NC (and a few Nor’easters in NJ), I know a bit about what it was like in Florida, and want to offer my prayers and support to all those affected. That said, I am going to go down a bad road. According CNN, around 35% of […]

Pirate's Cove