If All You See…

…is a landmark which will soon be flooded, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a quick post on Gaza.

Again, this is where it gets silly. Go to visit Paris, wear a barely there shirt with no bra, probably bought just for this photo, and spend more time on selfies than enjoying Paris. Very early in the morning. Look at the shadows. Love the guy in the background, probably going “WTF?”

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Trusted More On Dealing With Economy And Inflation Than Biden

It’s rather unsurprising when we get things like

We’ve seen plenty of articles about people having nostalgia for the Trump economy, which leads to

More Americans trust Trump on economy, inflation than Biden: Poll

More Americans say they trust former President Trump on the economy and inflation than they do President Biden, a new poll found.

The ABC News/Ipsos poll found that economy and inflation were among the top issues for Americans in this upcoming presidential election, with more Americans saying they trust Trump on the issues than Biden. Eighty-eight percent of Americans in the survey said the economy was important when deciding whom to vote for, and 85 percent said the same for inflation.

Forty-six percent of surveyed Americans said they trust Trump on the economy, while 32 percent said the same of Biden. Another 21 percent said they trusted neither of the presidential front-runners on the issue.

Forty-four percent of surveyed Americans also said they trusted Trump to handle inflation, compared to the 30 percent who responded the same for Biden. Another 25 percent said they trusted neither candidate on the issue.

But, but, but, the Credentialed News keeps telling us that the Bidenconomy is doing great! And, it may be for the well off folks, the upper upper middle class and rich folks, but, for everyone else, we feel the pinch at the grocery store. When buying a car. When trying to get a house or apartment. Getting auto insurance. Paying the electric bill.

The poll also found that more respondents said they are not as well off financially since Biden took office than those who said they are better off under Biden. Forty-three percent of those surveyed said their financial situation is not as well off since Biden became president, 40 percent said they are about the same and 16 percent said they are better off.

If Trump would just stop going Typical Trump and focus on the economy, he would have an easy win come November, winning all the states he needs to win, and perhaps picking up a few other states. He needs those states he lost in 2020. Almost everything he says from now till voting ends should be on the economy, inflation, and energy costs.

He won’t, of course. He and his team will make things more difficult.

Read: Trump Trusted More On Dealing With Economy And Inflation Than Biden »

Who’s Up For Synthetic Coffee Due To Global Boiling?

There are some actual legitimate reasons why coffee is in shortage: including ‘climate change’ is just cult business

Why You May Soon Be Drinking Synthetic Coffee

Your typical morning cup of coffee is a social and environmental disaster—but you’ll soon have the option to start sipping something less harmful: synthetic coffee.

Worldwide, people consume two billion cups of coffee a day. Given that the average Arabica tree produces only one to two pounds of coffee a year, that means every two-cup-a-day coffee drinker requires continuous production from around 20 coffee trees.

The intense demand for coffee has driven mass deforestationpoverty wages for farmers who see little of the rising prices for their commodity, and substantial carbon emissions due to both production and long supply chains. Research suggests that around half of the land best suited to growing coffee will become unsuitable for that purpose by 2050, thanks to climate change. In Brazil, that figure reaches 88%.

Is deforestation occurring in coffee producing areas? Certainty, environmental degradation is a concern. And the ever increasing usage by more and more humans, who have to always seem to have some type of coffee drink around all day these days. As for climate doom, well, they’re talking about 2050. Put away the crystal ball, guys.

For all of these reasons, at least a half-dozen companies are using biotechnology and food science to replace the coffee in your cup with something that lacks all that baggage, and isn’t nearly as vulnerable to climate change. This pseudo-coffee can be made from a variety of ingredients, including chickpeas and “upcycled” agricultural waste like date pits. Other approaches use lab-grown cells from actual coffee plants. Companies like Voyage Foods, Minus Coffee, Atomo, Prefer, Stem and Northern Wonder have all either begun selling, or are working on, so-called beanless coffee alternatives.

Well, if climate cultists want it, have at it. I typically have one cup of decaf a day (I don’t need caffeine, and I use one of those electronic heating mugs, so, I’m good on keeping that one cup hot), so, I’m not concerned. This is all just more fearmongering to get people to comply with the dictates of the cult.

Read: Who’s Up For Synthetic Coffee Due To Global Boiling? »

Chicago Mayor Looking To Implement Plan To Move Illegal Away From Downtown

It’s almost like the leaders in Sanctuary City Chicago do not want all the illegals in view for some reason

Mayor’s proposal to relocate migrants from downtown shelter to Chicago’s South Side faces opposition

A number of residents on Chicago’s South Side voiced objections to a proposal put forth by Mayor Brandon Johnson seeking to open a temporary migrant shelter in the neighborhood.

“He don’t know where to put them,” said resident Christopher Osinger. “Why would you put them in our neighborhood? Why won’t we go by your house?”

Others said the community has existing needs that haven’t been met.

“All of that money that he’s giving them, we’ve been begging for years,” added another resident, Khalid Muhammad.

“We’ve lived here our whole life, we have a lot of bad things that happen here already,” said resident Michelle Gusich. “We do not need this—we just don’t.”

Located just blocks away from Guaranteed Rate Field, the proposed shelter would be located in a building near Canal Street and Pershing Road in the city’s 11th Ward.

Demographics of the 11th are heavily white, Asian, and Latino, and it has a pretty high crime rate. What’s the city doing about that? Well, they aren’t rich enough for the hoi-paloi to help out. So, sure, add in a bunch of illegals who bring all their issues with them.

But, what’s behind this plan?

Ald. Nicole Lee, who represents the ward, issued a letter to constituents on Friday, saying she was notified earlier this week and met with the mayor. In the letter, Lee explained the city wants to move migrants staying at the Standard Club near the Dirksen Federal Building to her ward before the city hosts the Democratic National Convention in August.

“This is just insane, it doesn’t make any sense,” said Gusich. “Keep them downtown. I don’t know—this is not our problem.”

Ah. They do not want the optics of the DNC and illegals in the streets.


Hosting a migrant family in your home is now as simple as a phone call

An organization in Denver is working to get migrants off the streets and into homes of host families across Colorado, and a new partnership is making that task easier than ever before.

Hope Has No Borders began pairing migrant workers and their families with hosts in Colorado in late 2023. Now, with help from the United Way, getting paired up is a simple phone call away by dialing 211.

Get to it, Denverites. Take the illegals in. Of course, most aren’t families or women, they are young, fighting age men, so, enjoy the fruits of your beliefs.

Read: Chicago Mayor Looking To Implement Plan To Move Illegal Away From Downtown »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, utterly no good low MPG fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on assorted sundries and meme dump.

It’s ladies out and about week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s another great day in the Once and Future Nation of America. Getting some nice rain, the squirrels are rampaging all over, and the Dodgers are back to their winning ways. This pinup is by Stefano Riboli, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad notes a Hillary Clinton group funded climate art vandals
  2. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers the govt wanting to switch your heat pumps off
  3. 357 Magnum highlights an EV totaled out over a door ding
  4. Ace Of Spades HQ shows a bridge that doesn’t make sense
  5. Bearing Arms notes there’s a reason cops don’t screw around with pellet guns
  6. Chicks On The Right discusses Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s VP pick
  7. Cold Fury shows both sides chanting FJB
  8. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses the end of Kristi Noem
  9. Geller Report covers Netanyahu scheduled to address Congress
  10. Moonbattery highlights life without law enforcement in the Pacific NW
  11. Pacific Pundit notes Hims stock crashing down after virtue signaling
  12. The First Street Journal wonders how high gas prices will go before the election
  13. The Gateway Pundit covers Biden’s handlers looking to shorten his speeches
  14. The Lid notes Biden giving Obamacare to lots and lots of illegals
  15. And last, but, not least, The Right Scoop shows Hamas shooting at Palestinians to keep them away from food shipments

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

UC Santa Cruz “Pro-Palestinians” Demand Boycott Of Jewish Groups

Remember, we’ve been confidently told that this is all about Israel being mean and the poor, downtrodden Palestinians being killed and starving, it’s totally not about Jew hatred

Pro-Palestinian ‘Encampment’ Demands Boycott of Jewish Groups at UC Santa Cruz

An encampment launched by Students of Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of California Santa Cruz has issued starkly antisemitic demands that include the university severing ties with Jewish community organizations.

SJP set up its “encampment” on campus on Thursday, joining an effort that has seen dozens of campuses taken over by activists calling for the destruction of Israel, demanding the abolition of police, and slamming the United States.

The City on a Hill Press, the student-run weekly paper at UC Santa Cruz, reported that the activists were acting on instructions from overseas (emphasis added):

UC Divest organized the rally, and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) of Santa Cruz, with the support of SJP National, are operating the encampment. Although the events were not  explicitly linked, there was overlap among participants, with the workers’ rally expressing unity with Palestine.

Our SJP local is answering a call which came down from the SJP National, which came down from organizers in Palestine and in the Palestinian Youth Movement,” said Dax, a participant and media representative for the encampment.

The pro-Hamas kiddies, acting on orders from what are certainly Islamist groups overseas, want the school to cut ties with the Hellen Diller foundation, Koret foundation, Israel Institute and Hillel International, four leading Jewish organizations. But, totally not anti-Semitic

Leaked Students for Justice in Palestine texts show support for massacres of Israelis

Texts written by Boston University students belonging to the university’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) organization chapter show them enthusiastically celebrating the October 7 massacre on the day it occurred, according to leaked texts obtained by N12.

During the discussion, some students called the Hamas terrorists “freedom fighters” and hoped that the situation would erupt into a genocidal war against Israel.

Several students voiced active support for violent Palestinian “resistance,” saying slogans such as “Long live the intifada!” (snip)

The correspondence between the students in the group indicate consistent positions that support the violent Palestinian “resistance,” as early as 2021, the same year as Operation Guardian of the Walls. The group’s members sent messages that read “Long live the intifada” and those that glorified the first intifada, according to N12.

The group (it’s a very long article, but, if you really want to know how all this works, well worth the read) was founded in 2001 at the U of Berkeley, almost certainly backed using the Muslim Brotherhood playbook, much like the Muslim Student Association. In fact, a primary founder, Hatem Bazian was the president of the MSA at Berkeley. They initially pushed hatred of Israel, then moved on to making 1st World American student hate Jews. They very much want a one state solution, ie, eradicating Israel and replacing it with an Islamist nation. The Anti-Defamation League notes

Numerous SJP chapters released inflammatory statements in support of Palestinians seizing control of Israeli territory, including some which explicitly endorse the use of violence and attacks on civilians.  “We reject the distinction between ‘civilian’ and ‘militant.’ We reject the distinction between ‘settler’ and ‘soldier,’” The George Washington University SJP wrote. “A settler is an aggressor, a soldier, and an occupier even if they are lounging on our occupied beaches.” The SJP chapter of CUNY Law shared, “If you support Palestine understand that necessitates supporting our right to defend ourselves and liberate our homeland by any means necessary.”

These are not peaceful people, yet, they are allowed to operate at American universities. They lost their free speech rights when they advocated for violence.

Read: UC Santa Cruz “Pro-Palestinians” Demand Boycott Of Jewish Groups »

Ithaca, NY, Looks To Extend Their Green New Deal, Patronize Marginalized People

They keep telling us this is about science, but, they also keep telling us that marginalized people will suffer the worst from a tiny increase in global temperatures. And, you know who they always think are the marginalized and poor folks?

After adopting its own Green New Deal, a college town sets a new target

Five years after setting some of the most ambitious climate targets in the nation, Ithaca, N.Y., is hoping to set a new standard. The city council unanimously voted this week to require that half the funding spent on its energy transition and on major infrastructure investments go toward those residents most at risk from climate change. (snip)

“It’s impossible to separate economic and social injustice from the impacts of climate change,” said Ithaca mayor Robert Cantelmo in an interview just after the council voted unanimously to adopt the new framework, called Justice50. The legislation, he said, is an attempt to right the city’s history of putting poorer communities in the path of more pollution and environmental disinvestment. (snip)

The Justice50 framework will require that half the city’s spending on major infrastructure upgrades and its Green New Deal reach communities most vulnerable to climate change. That includes the city’s historically Black Southside neighborhood, much of which the federal government recently designated a flood-risk zone. New investments could include greater flood protection in at-risk neighborhoods, and helping lower-income residents reduce energy costs, the mayor said.

It’s interesting how climate cultists, who are mostly Democrats, always think that black folks are poor, vulnerable, and can only survive with the helping hand of government, eh? Totally not a racist attitude, right?

Op-Ed: Climate Change Poses Severe Risks to Vulnerable Jersey City Residents

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is affected more of them all? As an international public health student, I’ve observed that climate change affects different populations unequally, regardless of their geographic location or country. People with fewer economic resources and certain racial/ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected due to climate change. In the state of New Jersey, heat events are predicted to increase both in intensity and duration. This summer in Jersey City, we must acknowledge that climate change isn’t just an environmental issue but also a significant public health concern. (snip)

Increased heat can pose a threat to human health, causing heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke, with symptoms such as fatigue, high body temperature, profuse sweating, nausea, or vomiting. However, does everyone experience the effects of rising temperatures equally? Well, the answer is no. The impact is not equal; people with fewer economic resources and certain racial/ethnic groups like non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic populations are disproportionately affected by heat waves due to substandard housing without proper insulation and limited access to cooling. As heat waves become more intense and persistent, air conditioning is now considered a basic necessity. Unfortunately, residents with fewer resources often lack access to air conditioning, leading to increased heat-associated deaths, which are predicted to rise in the coming years.

What the hell is a “non-Hispanic Black”? Anyhow, Democrats love thinking that blacks and Hispanics are always poor, downtrodden, and cannot survive without lots of government help. They apparently cannot afford A/C, and are too stupid in Liberal World to keep from dying from the heat. Racism.

Read: Ithaca, NY, Looks To Extend Their Green New Deal, Patronize Marginalized People »

If All You See…

…is a lake that is drying up from carbon pollution drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on a WHO top dog telling Israel to stop pursuing Hamas.

Read: If All You See… »

Reuters Explains Why Hamas Can Count On American Students But Not Arab Nations

Will Reuters hit the mark? Let’s find out

Why Palestinians can count on American students but not Arab allies to protest

Palestinians may be gratified to see American university campuses erupt in outrage over Israel’s offensive in Gaza, but some in the embattled enclave are also wondering why no similar protests have hit the Arab countries they long viewed as allies.

Demonstrations have rocked U.S. universities this week, with confrontations between students, counter protesters and police, but while there have been some protests in Arab states, they have not been nearly as large or as vociferous.

“We follow the protests on social media every day with admiration but also with sadness. We are sad that those protests are not happening also in Arab and Muslim countries,” said Ahmed Rezik, 44, a father of five sheltering in Rafah in Gaza’s south.

These protests are also happening in many other nations which far away from the conflict, allowing the students to do their virtue signaling thing, wearing Intifada keffiyehs, writing and chanting slogans, doing TikToks, all while really having no skin in the game.

Reasons for the comparative quiet on Arab campuses and streets may range from a fear of angering autocratic governments to political differences with Hamas and its Iranian backers or doubts that any protests could impact state policy.

American students at elite universities may face arrest or expulsion from their schools, but harsher consequences could await Arab citizens protesting without state authorisation.

And U.S. students may feel more motivation to protest as their own government backs and arms Israel, while even those Arab countries that have full diplomatic relations with it have been strongly critical of its military campaign.

When asked about the conflict, Arabs from Morocco to Iraq have consistently voiced fury at Israel’s actions and solidarity with Gaza’s embattled inhabitants, leading to muted Ramadan celebrations across the region last month.

Well, those are good reasons, including the discussions of protests. Free speech, protesting peaceably, and the Constitutional right to petition for redress of grievance are not things really present in Arab nations. But, none were scared enough to forgo protesting during the Arab Spring, right? Even the people got out in Iran with the green revolution.

What is failed to be mentioned is that most of these college kids and other young folks, and older folks, know who the Palestinians are. They know that are both implicitly and explicitly linked to terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and, of course, Hamas in Gaza. They know, and their political leaders know, what happens when you let large groups of Palestinians into their nations: at best they are heavy burdens, at worse they try and create their own military and cause a civil war. Those few Arab nations who have a Palestinian population tend to keep them isolated and controlled. They do not allow assimilation because they know they won’t assimilate, and do not want to take anymore in.

Palestinians align heavily with the tenants of the Muslim Brotherhood, for which quite a few Arab nations want nothing to do with. Egypt bans them, because they are the root of most Muslim terrorism and extremism. And while a good chunk of Muslims hold extremist views, they want nothing to do with it themselves, and do not want it affecting their own lives. They just do not want to be involved with the Palestinians, and do not care enough to even protest. There is a reason Egypt has a big wall at their border with Gaza.

Read: Reuters Explains Why Hamas Can Count On American Students But Not Arab Nations »

Pirate's Cove