Category Archives: Bad ACLU

The ACLU Is Whining Hard Over Bagram Air Base

Can someone PLEASE inform the ACLU that the “A” stands for “American”? US authorities have released the names of 645 prisoners held at Bagram air base in Afghanistan in response to a freedom of information lawsuit. The lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sought documents related to the detention and treatment of […]

Obama Signs Law Exempting Prisoner Photos From FOIA Requests, ACLU “Disappointed”

The ACLU releases a gently chiding news release regarding a law that Obama just signed President Obama today signed into law a Homeland Security appropriations bill that grants the Department of Defense (DOD) the authority to continue suppressing photos of prisoner abuse. The amendment, which would allow the DOD to exempt photos from the Freedom […]

White House Has Plan To Data Mine Social Networks

Ah, remember the good old days, when people on the Left flipped out and lied about a program to monitor communications from overseas to known and suspected Islamic terrorists without a warrant? Remember when the left pitched hissy fits over the the Bush administration gathering information about phone call patterns from the telecoms, which included […]

CIA Morale At Minus 50

It’s a shame that the Washington Post doesn’t say what pages of the print version their Internet article appear on, as the NY Times does, because this is rather important information, which was listed at the bottom of the Internet front page under “other news” Morale has sagged at the CIA following the release of […]

ACLU Sues To Protect Gitmo Detainees Constitutional Rights. What?

Hey, chumps, the “A” stands for “American” The ACLU demands that the Department of Justice hand over legal memos addressing the constitutional rights of Guantanamo Bay detainees. In its federal FOIA complaint, the ACLU seeks a 2009 memo on the rights of detainees who may be tried through military commissions in the United States, and […]

Say, Looks Like The White House Was Giving Email Info To 3rd Party Company

Major Garrett, along with Eric Shawn, has been doing the job that all people who call themselves journalists should have been doing The White House hired a private communications company based in Minnesota to distribute mass e-mails, helping to shed light on how some recipients received e-mails in support of President Obama’s health care plan […]

ACLU Forces Release Of Yet Another Secret Document That Endangers Americans

Liberal namby pamby’s just can’t move on A long-suppressed report by the Central Intelligence Agency’s inspector general to be released next week reveals that CIA interrogators staged mock executions as part of the agency’s post-9/11 program to detain and question terror suspects, NEWSWEEK has learned. According to two sources—one who has read a draft of […]

Texas State Law Requires Teaching Of Bible In Public School

If anything should bring the ACLU out of the woodwork, well, other than protecting Islamic Jihadis, and cause a full Force 10 freekout, this should The school year is almost here, and if literature of the Bible is not already offered in your child’s school, it will be this fall. Books are a common sight […]

ACLU: That Fishy Email Thing Ain’t No Big Deal

You just have to trust Barry, cause he is just so cute and fuzzy! The ACLU said in a statement to that the White House blog is a “bad idea that could send a troublesome message.” But the organization added, “While it is unclear at this point what the government is doing with the […]

Hey, I Wonder If The ACLU Is Disturbed By Obama’s Snitch Mail

This is what I sent to the ACLU this morning This is the time for the ACLU to stand up for the Rights of the American People who are against the health care plans of Obama and the Democrats, and prove that the ACLU stands for civil rights, and not liberal interests. Imagine if this […]

Pirate's Cove