An American Challenge

Bumped to Saturday the 29th:

OK, I am a Large Mammal, but I don’t get as many daily hits as some. I still have a challenge for all the bloggers out there, whether the are Left or Right: put something patriotic on your blog. A flag. A background (see Jeremy at American Warmonger). A babe in a Red, White, and Blue swimsuit (or a guy for the babalicious bloggers out there). Go for it. Email me or make a comment, and I will compile a list.

Bump: I have persused some sites, and created a blogroll for it. It is titled “American Flag.” I thought about “American Pride,” but that would be insulting to alot of folks who were excluded. If anyone can think of a better name, let me know. Here is the code if you want to use it. Just open the text file (there are too many issues trying to format the blogrolling code within a WP post)

AFL Blogroll

To clarify the Challenge, there has to be something unique on your page that shows an American Flag, or it’s colors. For instance, Blogs for Bush would count: those that have the Blogs for Bush icon on their page do not. Could even be a Favicon, such as Amy Ridenour does (though you may not see it in IE).

I will keep bumping this for a week or so, to see if folks are interested.

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25 Responses to “An American Challenge”

  1. Jeremy says:

    I’d like to nominate mysel….crap, you already got me.

    How about Daisy Cutter:

    The Left Right Debate

    Armies of liberation

    Editors in Pajamas

    My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

    The Redhunter

    Miss Patriot

    Mamamontezz’s Mental Rumpus Room

    Practical Penumbra (AAAAlll the way at the bottom)

    Texas Bug

    Yankee Pride

    I guess that’s all for now. I can get more for you later.

  2. Thanks, Jeremy. It was a late night thought for me. Looks like it was a late night thought for you, too ๐Ÿ™‚

    I will add them to the list. I think I might actually create a new blogroll.

  3. Ogre says:

    Hmmm…I wonder if I can photoshop a flag out of the ogre’s club…

  4. How about one in the right hand, or an Uncle Sam hat?

  5. SteveL says:

    I’ve had a famous painting of the founders signing the Declaration of Independence as part of my site banner since the beginning. It’s not red, white and blue, but how much more patriotic can you get? (note, the French flag is also red, white and blue)

    Secure Liberty

  6. you’re added, Steve. Having the flags with your posts is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for, and the painting definately helps.

  7. Jeremy says:


    I work the night shift from 5PM to 5AM, Monday to Wednesday and alternating Thursdays. I’m ALWAYS around at night.

    Gimmie a couple of minutes and I’ll have the blogroll up myself.

  8. Yowza. Did not know that. Yowza.

  9. MissPatriot says:

    Cool. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love the American Flag. It makes me kinda giddy.

  10. Rick says:

    What a wonderful idea. i will add the blogroll to my site, my banner qualifies i believe.

  11. Jeremy says:

    Yeah Rick, I think you got it. Nice pic.

  12. Yup, you qualify, Rick. You are added.

  13. Jeremy says:

    Here’s another for the list:

    Smoke Signals Blog

    Also, I tweaked Ogre’s ogre to put a red and white stripe patten on it. If he ever puts it up you’ve already got his site info.

  14. texasbug says:

    Great idea! Thanks for sharing my name and site, Jeremy. I’m adding the blogroll now…

  15. Jeremy says:

    No prob Texas Bug.

    Ogre said he’s hoing to ftp it tonight.

    Hey! Maybe you could photoshop/paint the skeleton’s headband into a red and white pattern?

  16. Not a bad idea, I might have to try that this weekend. If the power lasts, since supposed to be freezing rain. Yuck

  17. Billy Budd says:

    I added the Human flag that was done here in Tucson a few days after 9/11!

  18. Right you are, Billy. I missed that. You be added, matey.

  19. Ogre says:

    Thanks to Jeremy, I’m in now! ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Yup. I kept checking, then I saw the shoulder pad. COOL! And definately unique.

  21. SteveL says:

    Well I finally added the java blogroll. Who else out there hasn’t done that yet?

  22. Michael says:

    It took me a while to figure out what this was. I started to see the referrals but never link to this post. This is cool. Thanks for putting Flight Pundit on your roll.

  23. Michael says:

    I would like to nominate Raven at
    ya just got to check out the skins

  24. added, and thanks for the 411, Michael.

  25. Raven says:

    thanks Michael. Just put this blogroll up.

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