If All You See…

…is horrible Spring heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on cops finding improvised weapons at a Portland pro-Hamas camp.

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17 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    Attaboy, Joey!
    Jewish orgs drop out of antisemitism meeting with Education Dept after surprise addition of left-wing groups

    According to Jewish Insider, government officials sent out a list of participating organizations only 20 minutes prior to the meeting, which “included a number of left-wing groups not usually included in White House convenings,” prompting the last-minute withdrawal.

    Brilliant! https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Hey L.G. Brandon,

    Florida’s 6-week ban on abortion has gone into effect!!

    How does it make you feel that your state permits defenseless pea-sized, 6-week old babies to be murdered and their tiny limb buds and tail thrown into the garbage????

    Real men would have banned ALL baby murder, don’t you agree?

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    L.G. Brandon,

    BTW, Florida will have 30 electoral votes in 2024!! LOL.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      So what? LOL

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Here’s what…

        Florida Amendment 4, the Right to Abortion Initiative, is on the ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 5, 2024.

        A “yes” vote supports establishing a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability.

        A “no” vote opposes establishing a constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability.

        Supermajority requirement: A 60% supermajority vote is required for the approval of the amendment.

        Granted, the voter-fearing Rethuglicans have orchestrated a 60% requirement, but every one of those young women and men voting to secure abortion rights by about 20 weeks gestation will vote for the candidate who DOESN’T brag about overturning Roe v Wade.

        That’s what. LOL.

        The battleground states are now PA(19), FL(30), NC(16), AZ(11), NV(5), WI(10).

        FL, NC, PA and AZ have all shit the bed regarding abortion.

        Trump who was against mail-in voting, early voting, insisting on same day, in person with ID has changed his tune!!

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          I have to ask why you keep getting all bent out of shape every time trump or a republican of any type changes his mind about something. You don’t get bent out of shape when Democrats do it. Now granted Democrats don’t change their mind as often because as we all know they’re perfect in every way but occasionally they do. I changed my mind about a lot of things I used to be anti death penalty now I’m pro death penalty. I have been very heavy on immigration I loved the migration. I don’t think so now. I found out the assimilation nonsense is just that it’s BS. Once you use up all the white people what’s left doesn’t assimilate. It’s true you can see it you can argue with me but you know it’s true blacks and Browns don’t assimilate. Which means they’re not coming here to become Americans they’re coming here to change America into where they used to be. Which generally are shitholes and I don’t want America to be a shithole.

          Yeah I’ve changed my mind on a lot of things OK? As a firefighter I’ve seen a lot of things that I’ve changed my mind about everything from life to death. I laid my life on the line many times to save a fellow American and I never asked if he was a Muslim or a Democrat I just saved him. And the facts I get is being called names and being told that I gotta pay extra taxes for this or that and that every time I say we need to worry about where this country’s going I’m called a racist or all white supremacist or something like that. How many times have you called me a Christian nationalist? The only nationalist I am Elwood is an American nationalist. I feel very strongly that only Americans should be living in America. Now I know that might ruffle your feathers but that’s how I think about it and I deserve as American and as a citizen to have an opinion and have it considered. I realize that to you guys the most important thing is to God all majority this is a democracy the majority rules blah blah blah. Problem is the majority of serving itself to be frequently wrong quite frequently immoral and generally oppressive to those who don’t go along with it. That’s now how I remember my America am I America you didn’t go along with the majority fine don’t go along with nobody’s gonna call you an insurrectionist because she marched on the capital to have an audit of an election. That’s not how it used to be so I’m sorry you know but that’s how I feel about hey.

          Now at this point all that might not matter to me anymore since apparently from the letters and all that I’m getting from the doctors in the hospital and the fire department no looks like I’m gonna be put on permanent disability because of my leg I’m not gonna be able to carry the weight I’m supposed to carry up and down ladders etcetera etcetera. Now it’s full disability which means I get full pay for the rest of my life but I’m not in it for the pay my daddy’s rich I could sit at home and jerk off it wouldn’t matter. I absolutely love being a firefighter. I love the rush of running into a fire and trying to find that person or that pit trying to get out. I love the look on a father’s face when I come out of back door with his daughter in my arms. Or the look on a woman’s face when she sees her husband’s still alive. Can’t buy that with my pay buddy let me tell you and I get paid well. But in my job I risk my life for my fellow Americans. So when you start blabbing at me about marching around in Tallahassee I suggest you can it for a while. I do my part for our society.

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Makes me feel pretty lousy that they have so little respect for the development of a human being. But that’s not the question is it? The question I posed to you is at what point do you believe that the baby in the mother should be considered a human being? That was the only question I asked you. Why is that so hard for you to answer?

    Real men did ban all baby murder but the leftist somehow decided that that wasn’t good and had that changed didn’t you? You do remember them all abortion was illegal right? It wasn’t that long ago. I wasn’t alive but you are. And by the way I would hope that you two would ban all baby murder. That’s the heart of the question.

    Here is that pea size baby:

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      LOL. You think I had the Florida men change a total ban to a 6-week ban?

      Why aren’t you in Tallahassee banging on the doors to keep Florida girls from murdering their babies?

      On what basis do you accept that a 6-week old baby can be murdered?

      When do YOU believe an ovum becomes a person?

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        You think I had the Florida men change a total ban to a 6-week ban?

        again putting words in my mouth. I never said you had Florida men changed total ban to six week ban did I?

        Why aren’t you in Tallahassee banging on the doors to keep Florida girls from murdering their babies?

        I work within my own groups to do in my own way when I can for saving the lives of unborn children. I also help and aid with adoptions especially for children with special needs that have no parents. Every soldier isn’t in the front asshole.

        On what basis do you accept that a 6-week old baby can be murdered?

        I do not accept that a six week old baby can be murdered and never have said that. Why do you insist that I say things that I didn’t say?

        When do YOU believe an ovum becomes a person?

        You answer me first, bitch. I asked first.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Kiss my ass, you man-slut. According to your Bible a fetus becomes a person at birth.

          The Constitution says the same thing. By all means if you want fertilized ova to be a person repeal the 14th Amendment.

          Section 1.
          All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

          Before the Dobbs covfefe, the Supreme Court ruled that personhood began when the fetus could live outside the womb.

          Do you believe a fertilized ovum is a person? And at what instant in the process of fertilization? It’s fair to assume that moment that the sperm and ovum chromosomes align.

          The vesicles of the nuclear membrane of the sperm bind to vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum of the egg. The membrane of the pronucleus of the sperm is produced. While the pro nucleus of the sperm is formed, the nucleus of the oocyte completes the second division of meiosis and eliminates the second polar body. After entering the oocyte, the nucleus and the sperm centrosome rotate 180°, so that the centrosome is positioned between the nucleus of the sperm and ovum. The centrosome organizes microtubules that attach and pull the pronucleus of the sperm and the egg. Both pronuclei migrate towards each other and they are directed towards the center of the cytoplasm of the ovum. The membranes of the two pronuclei rupture and mixing of nuclear material is observed, resulting in the formation of the diploid nucleus of the zygote.

          In mammals, including humans this process takes about 12 hours after the sperm hits on the ovum. The zygote (the “baby”) starts dividing about another 30 hours later. After about three days the “baby” has gone through 4 rounds of cell divisions comprising 16 total cells (called a morula; which is Latin for mulberry!). For the next week to 9 days cell division continues to form the “baby”, the so called blastocyst, with hundreds of cells, which is carried toward the uterus by ciliated cells in the fallopian tube. Once the the “baby” reaches the uterus, it burrows into to uterine lining – implantation! So it could take up to 9 days from the time the sperm says, “Hey, how YOU doing?” to the ovum before the “baby” implants in the uterus. As your video illustrated the “baby” at six weeks has limb buds, a tail, a head some cells with electrical activity that, if all goes well, we form the heart. At this stage it’s hard to tell a human embryo from that of a fish, frog or mouse.

  5. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Kiss my ass, you man-slut. According to your Bible a fetus becomes a person at birth.

    Soooooo that’s your answer? A personal slur, an attack, then claiming “my Bible” says something you want it to say.

    You are heathen, an atheist, a communist and best a plain old non believer. Therefore anything you have to say about the Bible is worthless. Because we who believe in the Bible know that evil uses the Bible and quotes it to deceive us. That’s what you’re doing. Just like you nuance the word in the constitution to deceive us on the law you do the same with the Bible to deceive us on God’s will.

    In Isaiah it is stated: “before I was born the Lord called me from my mother’s womb He has spoken my name”. He doesn’t talk to frogs, fishes or mice. Only humans. Now ancient scripture in the Old Testament doesn’t consider a zygote or a fetus even to be alive because it has not yet drawn a breath. So obviously to those old guys until you were born you were not human. But there are also other explanations about humanity throughout the Bible. And quite frankly as a Christian I find the Bible quite ambiguous about the subject.

    I asked you your opinion because I was quite honestly interested in it but if all I’m gonna get is a bunch of BS then forget it. I don’t need to be insulted because I asked you a question. For some undetermined reason you seem to take personal umbrage in the fact that you don’t want humans to be human until you say they are. You seem to be very invested in keeping developing humans non persons. It’s almost as bad as the way communists and Hamas and you guys are invested in keeping Jews non persons. For some reason there are certain members of the humanity that you wish to deny that identity. And I don’t know why. I don’t know when a growing embryo or whatever you want to call it becomes a human being. It could be at inception it could be on the 3rd Thursday after inception it could be on the first national holiday during its gestation. I have no idea. Fact is neither do you. But you always sound so hot heated and aggravated about the subject that I find it confusing. You can’t even have a baby you’re not a woman yeah you get all excited like your life depended on it.

    If you find it impossible to answer me a simple question as in your opinion when do you think just stating embryo becomes a human then fine just admit that you can’t determine it and will agree that we can’t determine it that’s not a problem. But don’t go around quote quote in the Bible which you don’t agree with and don’t even believe it because your appeal to a higher level is not going to convince me one way or the other I want your opinion. I will tell you one thing, just as I would let a guilty man go before I would execute an innocent man I would certainly rather have no abortion they’d be killing little babies who shouldn’t be killed. Wouldn’t you? In other words since neither of us and neither does anybody else know exactly what a person is a person we should default on the side of reason and not kill any of them. I mean just to be safe that we’re not killing innocent babies if that is a priority to you at all.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Brandon: that’s your answer? A personal slur, an attack

      I’m sorry. Since you called me “asshole” and “bitch”, I thought you were into personal slurs. You may note I usually only slur after being slurred.

      Is a man having unmarried sex acting immorally, in your opinion?

      Now you call me “heathen, an atheist, a communist and best a plain old non believer”. I am agnostic when it comes to the supernatural and readily admit I could be wrong. You don’t understand the meaning of the word “communist”.

      The famous twentieth-century British philosopher and atheist Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say to explain his atheism if he were to confront God after his death. Russell’s famous reply was: “Not enough evidence, God! Not enough evidence.”

      My father in law, the finest man I’ve ever known, believed in Pascal’s Wager, that it only made sense to believe as the cost of disbelief was too extreme!

      My belief is that abortion should be legal until a fetus can live outside the womb, that is about 20 weeks of gestation. Roe v Wade had it about right. Also, no woman should EVER be forced, intimidated, bribed or compelled to have an abortion.

      A fetus becomes an American citizen when born. Murdering humans is already a crime.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Poor little Karen (aka Rimjob) queefing again about slurs he obviously doesn’t use.
        Then he thinks we care about his dysfunctional family or something.
        There’s a word to describe that type of person. Either “asshole” or “bitch” comes to mind.
        Fucking hypocrite is a better fit though.

        Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  6. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    My belief is that abortion should be legal until a fetus can live outside the womb, that is about 20 weeks of gestation. Roe v Wade had it about right. Also, no woman should EVER be forced, intimidated, bribed or compelled to have an abortion.

    A fetus becomes an American citizen when born. Murdering humans is already a crime.

    I can compromise with you on that note. I don’t believe that the problem is women being forced intimidated bribed or compelled to have an abortion the problem is that you don’t believe they should be stopped from having an abortion even after the fetus can live outside the womb. By your own admission that would make the fetus a human being at that point and killing it would be murder. Therefore it would be considered premeditated murder to kill a fetus after 20 weeks, correct?

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