If All You See…

…are ugly bad weather clouds because Other People drive fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post noting Democrats paying a porn queen to propagandize for them.

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13 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    …Democrats paying a porn queen to propagandize for them

    When do we taxpayers get to see the list of congresspeople who used public funds to settle sexual misconduct claims? I don’t even care which party this harms or hurts. I am against such shenannigans by public office holders and think voters have a right to know who they are and what the accusation against them is. Then office holders can defend themselves at their next election.

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    I’m surprised they haven’t drafted transgendered nut case to propagandize for them. That’s where their sympathy seemed to lie fat guys dressed up in wacky outfits with all kinds of makeup and glitter on. And then they have the gall to call them women.

    The left is hiding a lot of things from us and they’re gonna keep on hiding it as long as we allow them to do it. They still haven’t released Jeffrey Epstein client list. Why? They also refused to reveal the number of government agents at the January 6th nonsense. i wanna know where all the missing money in the Ukraine went. Same with Afghanistan. I wanna know who planted the bombs on January 6th that the Democrats are so careful to hide.

    And I’d really appreciate if they’d stop releasing fake statistics. Fake unemployment numbers fake inflation numbers I know they got used to it after releasing the fake electorate numbers after the last election but we really gotta have some truthful numbers out here. They won’t even tell us the real amount of illegal aliens that are coming across the border. David sticking with that 8,000,000 number for six months now just like they stuck with 11,000,000 for seven years before.

    Could the Democrats figure at any point they need to tell the truth? Ever? About anything?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      More conspiracy tales from Brandon! Everyone but the One True Leader is lying to you!! That Jared Kushner has received BILLIONS from the Saudis, the UAE and Qatar is a lie!! That Ivanka made $600 million while working as government employee is a lie!! Big Donnie and Ivanka got dozens of trademarks fast-tracked by China after Big Donnie ordered his Commerce Dept to lay off the Chinese tech company for their dealings with Iran and North Korea.

      But Hunter had a laptop!!

      “They” lied about 16% unemployment during the reign of The Donald, they lied that it dropped to 4% under President Biden. “They” claim that inflation is only 4% when common sense tells us it’s 40%

      “They” say violent crime has been decreasing but on FOX and in Breitbart we see nothing but Negroes and “illegals” killing white Christians!!

      Reality! Try it, you’ll hate it!!

      But it’s too easy to just deny facts that conflict with your feelings. Lose an election? It wasn’t me. Bribed a porn star? It wasn’t me. CO2 absorbs infrared radiation? Does not. Hid government docs? It wasn’t me. Had a long term affair with a Playboy bunny? It wasn’t me.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Karen (aka Rimjob) as usual with unsubstantiated and overly broad allegations.
        You stupid or something?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Lil Piss-ant (aka Pissant) makes our case for us. Deny, Deny, Deny. Denying is less effort than refuting which the Piss Ant can’t do.

          He/She can’t refute that the government official, Jared Kushner, received over $2 BILLION in investment from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar. Jared’s investment firm is invested in the Shlomo Group in Israel, a shipbuilder for the Israeli Navy.

          What an insignificant Lil Piss Ant.

          The Trump Crime Family is so fugging rotten that the coppers just can’t keep up them.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Despite Trump’s cooperation, David Ferriero, the national archivist appointed by Barack Obama in 2009, warned the transition team a month later in June 2021 that he was running “out of patience.”

    There it is. It’s all there in black and white. A coordinated setup between WH, DOJ and the National Archives occurred. No wonder Jack Smith wanted to keep the evidence under seal and redacted.


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Okay, show of hands from those who are surprised by this.

    Hey, hey, hey! Trump “trial” too much for this fat ass to handle.


    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

  5. H says:

    Trump is gaining support from Blacks. Good luck of respect for judges both state and federal is gaining him the black gangster vote. Falling asleep in court? Thugs like that. “I don’t give a guck” attitude.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    A young couple in KC, MO had twin boys, delivered on Easter Day!! They have Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) a genetic defect disease that interferes with motor control often including breathing. Babies with the condition typically die within 2 years of birth without treatment.

    Enter Zolgensma, a gene therapy that corrects the defect of the type the Reed twins are afflicted with!!

    Eazy Peazy? The therapy costs $2.1 MILLION. Each. Just get insurance or Medicaid to cover it, right? Missouri Republicans bucked the consensus of voters here and refused to fund Medicaid expansion.

    The insurer (Mosaic’s Health Care Trustees) of her employer Mosaic Life Care rejected the request. Then the hospital, Children’s Mercy, rejected their request for the $4.2 MILLLION therapy. Now they’re going the GoFundMe route.

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    You guys are armament experts. I’m looking for an AR-15 style rifle in case Big Donnie wins or loses next November. What have you heard about the new SigSauer MCX-SPEAR, the civilian version of the U.S. Army’s new XM7 rifle 7.62×51, a round with more killing power than the 0.223 ammo? They’re over $4000 a pop, plus all the spare mags and ammos.

    It’s likely the enemy will be wearing body armor so the bigger round may be necessary. Almost all our military are decent (not MAGAts) men and women, but the MAGAts are likely to attack others, regardless.

    If he wins his apish devotees will go apeshit and if he loses his monkey-see, monkey-do worshipers have already stated they’ll start a revolution.

    What do you recommend? I’ll probably buy several to supply friends and neighbors.


  8. Down on the Corner says:

    Someone needs to check and see how much BOEING stock the Clintons own since two Boeing whistleblowers in the last two months have died.

    The more the internet expands the more the light shines on the evil that perpetrates this world no matter the political side of the isle you reside.

Pirate's Cove