Good Grief: Climate Cult Links Fan Death At Taylor Swift Concert

How much of a ghoul do you have to be to do this?

A fan died of heat at a Taylor Swift concert. It’s a rising risk with climate change

Springtime is underway in the southern Hemisphere, but across much of South America it has felt like the depths of summer for months already. A string of heat waves have settled in over the region, pushing temperatures into record-breaking territory month after month.

Last week, temperatures soared in southern Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro, a city of nearly 12 million people, intense heat and humidity pushed a 23-year-old Brazilian university student into cardiac arrest at a Taylor Swift concert. Fans had stood in line for the Eras Tour at the Nilton Santos Olympic stadium in brutally hot, humid, windless conditions for hours before the Friday night show. It was just as hot and steamy inside the venue, concertgoers reported.

The woman who died, Ana Clara Benevides Machado, got medical attention from paramedics at the concert venue, but died later at a nearby hospital.

Brazil’s Ministry of Culture noted the extreme, dangerous heat in a statement expressing condolences for Machado’s death. This is a clear signal that climate change, the ministry said, has to be considered a major risk for events like big concerts or other cultural events now. Swift postponed a concert planned for Saturday night, another day that was supposed to be dangerously hot.

Using a woman’s death to push a scam. I’ve been to plenty of summer concerts that were steamy. We were at the Grateful Dead concert in DC probably around 1990, middle of summer, at the old JK Stadium, in the depths of the swampy area known as D.C. No breeze, stagnant air, hot, humid. We were fine. Back then we called it weather. Unfortunately, sometimes people get in serious medical issues, and even die, at concerts. The coroner’s report has not been released yet, so, all we know is it was cardiac arrest. Could drugs have been involved? We do not know yet. All we know is that a doomsday cult will horn in on this tragedy to push their cultish beliefs.

A big gulf in ocean science threatens to sink the climate change fight
To tackle global warming, we must properly grasp what is happening in the oceans. That is why, at COP28, we will be calling on world leaders to urgently ramp up marine observations, says oceanographer Margaret Leinen

So, wait, are they saying they do not really know squat? I could swear I’ve seen them make all sorts of doomy prognostication after saying they knew the Facts.

I guess Warmists are racists.

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16 Responses to “Good Grief: Climate Cult Links Fan Death At Taylor Swift Concert”

  1. Matthew says:

    I went to a 3 day concert in San Bernardino in 1982. Temperatures were over 110 degrees each day, nobody died.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach: So, wait, are they saying they do not really know squat? I could swear I’ve seen them make all sorts of doomy prognostication after saying they knew the Facts.

    Not knowing everything doesn’t mean scientists “do not really know squat”.

    Scientists by nature understand that theories are not proved. That CO2 absorbs infrared radiation is accepted as a fact. That CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is increasing is accepted as a fact. That the increased CO2 in the atmosphere results from burning fossil fuels is accepted as fact. That the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans are warming is accepted as fact. That the mass of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets has decreased over the past history is accepted as fact. That the pH of the ocean’s is decreasing is accepted as fact.

    The theory is that the Earth is warming from the increased CO2 and is predicted to continue to increase as the CO2 does. The theory has yet to be falsified – the SciDs should up their game and come up with a reasonable explanation to test. We fully understand that SciDs don’t like this construct. We hope you are right that it’s all BS, but we’re 95% certain you are wrong.

    The right HAS predicted that a coalition of communists, corporations, the Pope, scientists, universities and governments is attempting to take “control” by way of climate change hysteria.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob: That CO2 absorbs infrared radiation is accepted as a fact.

      Chubby intentionally leaves out the part where IR is “re-radiated”. More CO2 does not store or generate “more” heat (IR).

      Have a clue, fatboy.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

      • david7134 says:

        Also an accepted fact is that CO2 concentrations rise after the increase in heat.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Even Mr david7134 gets one right!! Even a blind hog roots up an acorn on occasion.

          CO2 causes warming AND warming releases more CO2 which causes more warming. It’s a potential positive feedback loop. In the current state, it is theorized that humanity’s burning of fossil fuels is causing the increase in atmospheric CO2 which is causing this bout of warming.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        MyLilStalker gets one right. Almost. Absorbed heat is re-radiated in all directions up, down, sideways.

        Have a clue, MethMouth, the only commenter living wif his mommy. You should move to a state where Medicaid covers dental.

    • Jl says:

      “The theory that earth warming from increased CO2..has yet to be falsified..” Doesn’t work that way. The theory that increased CO2 is warming the earth has yet to be verified. One can’t falsify a negative.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        You do not understand the scientific method.

        • Jl says:

          Of course I do-the agw “theory” has yet to be verified. You have it backwards-the null hypothesis is what hasn’t been falsified. Which would be until something else verified, the changes are natural.

    • Brother John says:

      The right HAS predicted that a coalition of communists, corporations, the Pope, scientists, universities and governments is attempting to take “control” by way of climate change hysteria.

      Not only do they act as though that’s the objective, many of them say so out loud.

      It’s a hoax. The goal is impoverishment, control, depopulation, and wealth extraction.

  3. Matthew says:

    CO2 is a trace gas, a little more than 4/100 of a percent of the total atmosphere. Mankind’s contribution is roughly 3% of that, or about 0.000013% of our current atmosphere. CO2 does not drive the warming, it’s the other way around, all paleoclimate data clearly show that.

    Climate hysteria is a $140 billion per year industry in the US alone, and .gov loves it because they get more money and power. They make no secret that they plan to use the supposed climate crisis to help justify digital currencies. Once those are in place, they will then restrict our freedom of movement and control our lives. This is happening right now in China.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The increase in CO2 from 280 ppm to 420 ppm is from CO2 added by human activities, i.e., burning fossil fuels. That’s a 50% increase. Fortunately, the Earth’s oceans absorb a large proportion of the emitted CO2 (which is lowering ocean pH).

      CO2 has always been a “trace” gas and is responsible for the Earth not being an ice covered ball.

      The American far-right believes the commie “goal is impoverishment, control, depopulation, and wealth extraction”. The American far-right always must have boogie-man enemies: negroes, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, commies, Dems, libs, scientists, abortion, science, Trilateral commission, Hillary, NWO, feminists, US government, EU, Europeans, the Pope… The American far-right has no platform, just projection – power and control for American conservative, Christian Caucasians.

      Acknowledging the reality of global warming offers no benefit to the far-right’s goal – control.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        More CO2 does not store or generate “more” heat (IR).

        Have a clue, fatass.

        Bwaha! Lolgf

  4. James Lewis says:

    Dear Chicken:

    “The theory has yet to be falsified.”

    That’s because it can’t be tested.

    Ergo. It is not a Scientific Theory.

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