I can’t understand why Jews would want to avoid such revered news outlets like the NY Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and CBS News. Nor MSNBC, LA Times, CNN, BBC, etc
- Why does ‘The New York Times’ incessantly attack Israel?
- NY Times apologizes for anti-Semetic cartoon featuring Netanyahu and Trump
- Bari Weiss slams NY Times for quoting ‘experts’ who praised ‘mass murder of Jews’
The NY Times editorial board is pimping a “humanitarian pause“, which only helps Hamas. Here’s the Washington Post pimping the viewpoint from an Islamist: ‘I’m still alive. Gaza is no longer Gaza.’ How many of the news outlets immediately took the side of Hamas with the hospital bombing, not waiting for actual facts, because they wanted to Blame Israel and those Jews? How many have listened to hardcore Islamists and terrorist apologists? Imagine what would happen if a Republican was coming down on the side of Hamas: they’d be roasted. But, these same outlets refuse to condemn, and mostly ignore, the anti-Semetism coming from Democrats, especially ones like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and the rest of The Squad
Jewish Viewers Find a Refuge in Fox News
Ross Abramson, a software engineer and recent New York University graduate, had a fairly conventional news diet until recently. He regularly checked his phone for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. And as a Jew with an interest in Israel, he would browse a handful of outlets like The Times of Israel.
Then the brutal Hamas-led attack on Israel happened on Oct. 7, and Mr. Abramson found himself turning to an outlet he said he didn’t rely on much before: Fox News.
“Did I watch it religiously before? No,” he said, adding that he found Fox’s reporting and commentary on Israel’s military campaign in Gaza “less antagonistic for sure” than that of other news organizations. “You don’t feel as attacked,” Mr. Abramson said.
Fox News, long a preferred source of news for the right, has lately become an information refuge for some American Jews who believe that the mainstream media has been too hostile to Israel.
Well, gee wiz, I can’t imagine why Jews would feel that the leftist Credentialed Media would be hostile towards Israel and Jews.
It’s somewhat of an improbable alliance. Jews overwhelmingly identify as Democrats. And as the Republican Party came to embrace a more populist brand of politics that vilifies “globalist” corporate interests and wealthy liberal businessmen like George Soros — something many see as coded antisemitism — Fox News hosts and guests promoted those views.
Well, they weren’t paying attention the ever-growing Jew hatred from their fellow Democrats nor how Democrats were sympathizing with Islamic extremists.
But more than any of the other major cable news channels — and perhaps more than any other major American media outlet — Fox News has wrapped itself in the Israeli flag in the weeks since the Hamas attack. Its coverage tends to emphasize the radical and antisemitic elements of the pro-Palestinian opposition, particularly on college campuses, while playing down the civilian casualties from Israeli strikes.
Fox has always been pro-Israel and anti-jihadist. The NY Times just doesn’t seem to understand that they themselves have pushed Jews away.
Since September, Fox News’s audience has grown by a larger percentage than CNN and MSNBC in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington and Miami. And in the New York market — the nation’s largest — Fox has lately beaten its left-leaning rival, MSNBC, by a few percentage points. In September, Fox was drawing 16 percent fewer viewers than MSNBC in New York.
Why would they want to watch a network that bashes Israel and takes the side of the Palestinians who want to annihilate Israel and the Jews? Fox shows what the actual meaning and intent of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators is. Are you getting the intent of the phrase “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” from all those Credentialed Media sources? Are they showing you the Jew hatred? No? It won’t happen, but, perhaps outlets like the NY Times should look at how their coverage is biased against Israel and Jews, and pro-Islamist.
More: So, there was a big demonstration in D.C., and many other US cities
The @NYTimes wondered why Jews are going to Fox News. Well, here's Fox noting the calls for violence against Jews and destruction of Israel at the protest in D.C. https://t.co/PPsHfyOzT4
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) November 5, 2023
And the pro-Hamas forces vandalized the White House gate and wrote anti-Jew, anti-Israel, and took our call of Fuck Joe Biden. I’m sure the NY Times covered this, along with other outlets, right?
- NY Times: A Snapshot of Support for Palestinians Across America
- ABC News: Thousands of protesters gather in DC to call for a cease-fire in Gaza
- NPR: Tens of thousands gather for pro-Palestinian march in D.C. to demand Gaza cease-fire
- CNN: Pro-Palestine protests in DC and across the US call for a ceasefire
- UK Guardian: ‘No ceasefire, no votes’: tens of thousands attend pro-Palestinian rally in Washington DC
- USA Today: Demonstrators protest for Palestinian rights in Washington DC
- Washington Post: Protest marches from US to Berlin call for immediate halt to Israeli bombing of Gaza (they’re literally a D.C. paper, and their story, which I had to dig for, not on front page, is by the AP)
CBS News and NBC News? If they have something, it’s buried. Good on Insider for covering the vile calls for killing Jews and ending Israel (actually, no. When I flipped back to the article it was replaced). So, yeah, NY Times, it’s shocking that Jews are moving away from the mostly left leaning, and apparently pro-Hamas and anti-Jew, Credentialed Media and to those who are actually showing what’s going on.

Perhaps the Jews in this country will wise up to the fact that a good majority of the Democratic party despises them.
The left likes to point to 1/10th of 1 percent of the country that are Nazis as proof the GOP is full of racists. Nothing is more racist than 1/3rd of the Democratic party wanting an END to ISRAEL in favor of the Palestinians who NO ONE and I do MEAN NO ONE in the Middle East will even ALLOW into their own Muslim country even if they are being bombed.
NO ONE WANTS HAMAS because they were allowed into Lebanon back in the 60’s and they immediately stirred up a civil war in that country that lasted for 20 years. They were finally DRIVEN FROM LEBANON back to the West Bank and Gaza where the JEWS said okay, come back but behave.
NOPE, not gonna happen. BEHAVE? Are you kidding? We are like Antifa on steroids. A woke Mob of radical antifa protesting OIL. Only we have R O C K E T S.
The reason Israel has been mostly quiet the last dozen years is.
ONE…..They build a W A L L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TWO…..They install the IRON DOME which shoots down rockets almost daily from HAMAS who never rests in trying to KILL JEWS.
A pause? Israel has finally adopted the position that the world will never rest until they are exterminated and so their rallying cry behind closed doors is FIRE EVERYTHING.
Fire Everything as in NUKES which are estimated to be Tactical in nature with about 1200 miles of range and nearly 50 of them. They will take out the Middle East when the USA and the EU turn their backs on them and TURKEY a NATO member decides to join the rest of the world and attack the small country that is just trying to survive in a dessert on a small patch of ground the size of Maine.
Perhaps the Jews in America will stop pandering to the Democrats and start funding people like Donald J. Trump who will back Israel with everything we have to prevent world war 3. Not encouraging it like Biden and his “WE LOVE JEWS but you sorry bastages need to stop defending yourself and give HAMAS half your country.
“The language that President Biden and his party understands is the language of votes in the 2023 elections, and our message is: No cease-fire, no votes,” Council on American–Islamic Relations National Director Nihad Awad said in a speech, The Guardian reported. “No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania.”
Biden has only about a 35 percent approval rating among Muslims in this country. That bodes really badly if he loses the Muslim Votes in states like Michigan which means they have to really turn out the cheating machine in 2024 to retake the White House. Which they will.
If Trump is the Nominee Biden will garner 550 million votes in 2024. Even Wyoming will cast 25 million votes for Biden in 2024. Anything including overt and covert cheating. The Judges will not look at the evidence. They will just let a socialist, democrat-controlled press pass on lies as the truth.
So fear not Biden. No votes? No worries. As you said in 2020…..”The democrats have the most elaborate cheating organization in the history of the world.” During a time when he was allowed to speak. After this supposed gaffe….he was sent to the basement for the rest of the campaign.
“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” – 2020 Candidate Biden, referring to the oversight of potential voter fraud.
Much of what US conservatives believe to be true, is not.
“The language that President Biden and his party understands is the language of votes in the 2023 elections, and our message is: No cease-fire, no votes,” Council on American–Islamic Relations National Director Nihad Awad said in a speech, The Guardian reported. “No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania.”
I find it amusing the number of pro-Palestinian people who are demonstrating in the USA demanding that the US government “make” Israel stop attacking Hamas. Israel doesn’t work for us. Those people need to get on an airplane and fly to Israel and do all their protesting there.
The truly amusing part is that The New York Times have a heavily Jewish ownership and editorial structure, while Fix News has mostly Catholics at the top.
American Jews have had it easy. Living in an ethnically (mostly) homogenized country, they seem to have forgotten that most countries — at least those whose borders were not drawn by the British Foreign Office — are significantly ethnically based, and that racial and ethnic strife does occur. They just don’t get that the Jews and the Arabs really can’t and don’t get along all that well, and can’t see why the Palestinians and Israelis can’t and don’t. Some might call it unreasonable that the children of Isaac and Ishmael can’t get along, but unreasonable or otherwise, they just don’t.
American Jews are a lot like other liberal white Americans: they don’t object to having people of other races or ethnicities living next door, and they really can’t comprehend why American blacks, for the most part, prefer to live in their mostly segregated neighborhoods.
To a person, American Jews criticize the horrific massacre of Israelis by Hamas terrorists.
But American Jews are divided on the treatment of Palestinians by Israel.
Pew 2021:
US conservatives believe “might makes right” and that Israel’s wealth and military superiority excuse any action they take (e.g., illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank have killed hundreds of Palestinians there). It is illegal for the Palestinian civilians to possess firearms although more and more guns have been smuggled in recently.
Netanyahu and US conservatives believe that killing more Arabs will make Israel secure. Hardly.
You have as much business telling us how “US conservatives” believe as you do when you start quoting the Bible to us and telling us what Christians believe. You are neither, and you don’t socialize in those circles. Anything you know about conservatives or Christians you get second hand from leftist propaganda on the Internet. So Spare us all of your virtue signaling because virtue is something you don’t have. and I don’t think you ever did even in the old days when you where an American Baptist.
We realize that you were apparently one of those people who believes everything you read on the Internet. It must be true it’s on the Internet right? Wrong dipshit!
Those of us conservatives here arrive at our decisions and our beliefs by reading all kinds of different stuff including the crap you read and using logic and common sense to arrive at a moral, ethical and American conclusion. On the other hand you consider everything view through a communist lens by an atheist or agnostic whatever you call yourself. You have no moral guidance which is why you think siding with Palestinians Hamas and loving your Muslim neighbor is somehow ethical. It is not.
You betrayed God a long time ago and now you’re doing a fine job of betraying America.
The very fact that you won’t admit that you are wrong about anything regardless of the amount of proof shown to you and regardless of the amount of logic is the reason we don’t believe anything you say. No one can be as stubborn as you are without believing the lies you believe. We know that because you keep spitting them out on a continuous basis. You won’t even admit that the truth that we were all lied to about the COVID vaccine. You won’t admit that your team of Democrats has been relentlessly marching leftward toward totalitarian dictatorship. You’re at the point where you can’t even stand the two party system any longer. You try and deny the other party speech assembly firearms and even their religion. If you could you’d have us arrested or shot.
“Once you understand the relentless bombardment of highly organized propaganda intended to get us on board with leftist ideas, you can truly start to resist”
fat chance on either count…the majority understanding the con or a resistance of meaningful magnitude capable of stopping the final solution to liberty and individual freedom.
and here’s why…..
“The Taliban, as a totalitarian ideology, is not on the right side of the political continuum. Totalitarianism, or the presence of big oppressive government, falls on the left side of the political continuum. The far-left is totalitarianism. The furthest right is the absence of government. This is an ideological mistake that happens frequently and needs to be addressed when the mistake is made.
When the Chinese Communist Party cracked down on the student activists in Tiananmen Square, China, most of the political analysis and media pundits got it totally wrong in their discussion. It was not a “hard-right” reaction by the Chinese government, it was an actionable shift to the far-left, toward total government control.
Like the Chinese communist regime, the ideology of Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood et al, is left-wing extremism. The government – or controlling, totalitarian, oppressive ruling authority – controls the lives of the people subjected to it. This is a far-left big government worldview. And the average supporting Muslim is the engine that keeps them going.
Oppressive government is on the left side of the freedom continuum. That’s why the further left the Democrat Party goes, the more oppressive the government control becomes. Democrats are leftists, and the leftists believe in socialism (big govt), communism (bigger govt), and eventually totalitarianism (total govt). Each shift is a move further to the left, further toward oppressive government.”
it’s just that Elwood beat them to the goal line.
Rimjob quoting a survey taken in 2019-2020.
Misinform and mislead much, dipshit?
Not surprising for an ignorant 12yr old.

“Pew 2021:”
I think that poll would be drastically different in today’s world.
Mr Elwood P Dowd of somewhere around St Louis wrote:
Yup, that’s right, American Jews are divided on this, but American Jews aren’t living with their lives nailed to their spines, the way the Israelis are.
Here in the United States, unless you are a black male living in a large city, your chances of being shot or killed are pretty low; there aren’t really enemies at the border who would love to have a chance to kill you.
But go to Israel, even during peacetime, and things are different.
Those are three Israeli police, armed with automatic rifles, on the Via Dolorosa near the Fourth Stage of the Cross; I took that photo while eating lunch at a Middle Eastern restaurant. There was a checkpoint for us to get to the Western Wall, and another to go from the Western Wall area to the Temple Mount. The Israelis know that the Palestinians outside their borders would like nothing more than to turn every last Jew into shish-kabob!
Might does make right, because might sets the tone of the culture and the society. The might of the Nazis made it right, in the minds of the Germans, to target, haze, despoil, and eventually round up the Jews, to be shipped off to some (willfully?) unknown fate, right up until the might of the Allies changed it.
But might, when you are surrounded with enemies who hate you, also makes you more, if not perfectly, secure, and we good Christians taught the Jews that they could not depend on us for their safety, security, or survival. More than anything else, this past month has proven that a strong, secure, Jewish-run Israel is a necessity in this world, because there is nowhere else where they can be safe.
And there are no “illegal Israeli settlers” in Judea and Samaria; the Israelis conquered that land, and it’s theirs, just as surely as our English forebears conquered the land on which you and I and the rest of the Cove readers live.
Mr Dana of somewhere near Lexington (KY, not MA or any of the other 20 or so Lexingtons in the US) claim the Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank are not illegals. According to international law, they are illegals.
Anyway, Mr Teach’s piece was about American Jews and their opinions. That’s what I was addressing. Sorry for the confusion.
Teach seems upset that 80% of American Jews vote Dem.
Likewise that many of the leaders of the Dem party are Jews.
Also, that the major JEW HATING countries also support his Messiah Trump.
In order to pay for those expensive golf tournaments held at Trump golf courses The Saudis are cutting production again to drive up prices. Fossil Fuel profits financed 9/11
Johnny-and Brandon has given over 1 billion to Hamas.
“Saudis cutting production..”. So why don’t the unreliables pick up the slack?
Still no proof that President Biden and Mr H gave over 1 billion to Hamas?
The Trump Crime Syndicate gave over 1 billion to Hamas.
Of course-Sept. 21st, 2023 US representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield touted the 1 billion dollar figure saying “the Biden administration has contributed about 1 Billion since 2021”. Trump cut all funding in 2018.
But Rimjob says there’s no proof.
Thanks, dipshit.

Would Biden giving $6 billion for 5 hostages count as paying off the enemy? Or is that not proof either according to the doubt scale of Evidence and proof?
“Pew 2021:”
I think that poll would be drastically different in today’s world.