This Summer Is What Climate (cult) Scientists Have Been Complaining About

See, they totally told you, and it is all your fault

This summer is what climate change looks like, scientists say

The blistering heat threatening lives and fueling wildfires across Southern Europe and North America this July would have been “virtually impossible” without man-made global warming, scientists said on Tuesday.

Their findings come as the planet’s ocean and land temperatures hit new records in recent weeks, with waters around Florida and the Mediterranean coast surpassing 30 degrees Celsius and parts of the Northern Hemisphere baking in heat of 45C or more.

Scientists have long warned climate change would make heat waves hotter, longer and more frequent. Tuesday’s study found that this month’s extreme temperatures are no longer an outlier now that humans have warmed the Earth by about 1.2C above pre-industrial levels.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as the saying goes. The climate cult fearmongers have been making doomy prognostications for decades, and virtually all of them have failed to materialize. But, now, you have a hot summer, mostly driven by El Nino (which they are trying to downplay), so, they are now saying “look, we were right all the time! Just because we gave a time frame of 100 years for this to happen is meaningless.” Nor do they mention that it is a pretty deep winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

In fact, “it could well be that this is what will be a cool summer in the future unless we rapidly stop burning fossil fuels,” said study co-author Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Imperial College London. “This is not the new normal. As long as we keep burning fossil fuels, we will see more and more of these extremes.”

And there you go, more doomsaying. They cannot help themselves.

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5 Responses to “This Summer Is What Climate (cult) Scientists Have Been Complaining About”

  1. Dana says:

    A 95.7º F heat index did not stop me from clearing brush on the farm today!

  2. david7134 says:

    Well, if this heat is secondary to trace carbon in the atmosphere, then obviously destruction of our way of life, massive taxes and global communism would not have worked. The COVID shut down did nothing as well. But I feel that the weather is here because of unusual sun activity and that we will be in an ice age soon.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    The Earth’s Temperature

    Currently: 57.44°F/14.13°C
    Deviation: 0.24°F/0.13°C
    Stations processed last hour: 67763
    Last station processed: Villahermosa, Mexico
    Update time: 2023-07-26 22:55:25 UTC

    • david7134 says:

      It is nice to see them hysterical. You would think they have already put one foot in hell.

  4. wildman says:

    and to calm the hysterics of the climate “Scientists” you just need to turn over your money and way of life to them. really funny that they say they can control the climate.

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