This is what happens when the federal government continuously takes on more and more power. It didn’t just happen overnight, it’s a process that has been going on for quite some time, but, truly exploded with the passage of the 17 Amendment in April 1913, removing the power of the Senate from the hands of the State general assemblies, allowing the the unchecked power of the federal government to flourish. It truly exploded in a massive partisan manner under Obama and Biden
Nearly one in three Americans say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against the government
A majority of Americans say the U.S. government is corrupt and almost a third say it may soon be necessary to take up arms against it, according to a new poll from the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics.
Two-thirds of Republicans and independents say the government is “corrupt and rigged against everyday people like me,” according to the poll, compared to 51 percent of liberal voters.
Twenty-eight percent of all voters, including 37 percent of gun owners, agreed “it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government,” a view held by around 35 percent of Republicans and around 35 percent of Independents. One in five Democrats concurred.
Well, hey, Democrats, this is what you asked for in voting for the leftist insanity, wanting to invest all that power in a government that is unresponsive to the plight of the average American, forcing all sorts of insane beliefs on you. But, you didn’t think the bad parts would apply to you, right? Well, that was stupid. So, you 51% need to shut up and suck it up
"I'm living in a nightmare neighborhood"
Portlanders break down in tears over how @PortlandGov has allowed their neighborhoods to be run down by encampments. Efforts at any clean-up is strongly resisted & sabotaged by far-left activists allied w/Antifa.
— Andy Ngô ?????????? (@MrAndyNgo) July 24, 2022
Why are they upset? It’s what they supported. Turning Portland into a 3 on the Neighborhood Scout ranking. 100 is safest. That’s worse than Chicago.

[…] Behold, the Utopia folks. H/T Pirates Cove […]
The leader of the School union was self owned when she commissioned a poll to see who the public thought could do a better job with schools.
Teachers Union Poll Finds Swing-State Americans Trust Republicans More Than Dems On Education
Democratic pollsters told NBC News that voters want kids taught the good and the bad of race relations and don’t want kids taught about gender identity and sexuality. The poll was conducted via interview with 1,758 likely voters across the seven battleground states between May 21-30.
NEW POLL for Randi Weingarten’s teachers union: “In general, do you have more confidence in the Democrats or in the Republicans to deal with education issues?”
Democrats: 38%
Republicans: 39%
Same: 9%
Neither: 14%
Rumors are swirling that Trump and DeSantis have struck a deal to run as a team in 2024. This would allow DeSantis to run in 2028 and 2032. This is being reported by democratic sites.
Trump edges Biden in aggregate polling by 5 points. This sounds too narrow at first glance but this is a combined poll using numbers from Democratic pollsters who tend to uh um….skew the polling left. Additionally, the above poll was conducted by a Democratic polling firm that still could not get the poll to favor Democrats.
Both President Trump and Governor DeSantis are from Florida, and the Constitution expressly prohibits the electors from voting for more than one candidate from their home state. That would mean that, were they to run together, a Trump/DeSantis ticket would have to win by a sufficient margin that half of Florida’s electoral votes wouldn’t be needed for the electoral college to vote in both President and Vice President.
Well if you see Trump moving from Florida in the next few months.
It almost did in the notoriously contentious election of 2000. When Texas Gov. George W. Bush chose Dick Cheney as his running mate on the Republican ticket, Cheney had been living and voting and paying taxes for five years in Texas. Shortly before the election, however, Cheney obtained a Wyoming driver’s license and put his Dallas home on the market. (He had a vacation home in Wyoming, which is the state he had formerly represented in the U.S. Congress.)
“Teachers Union Poll Finds Swing-State Americans Trust Republicans More Than Dems On Education”
Considering the current state of our education at all levels and the replacement of propaganda for education I cannot imagine how anyone could trust democrats to educate anything more than a puppy. And that would probably still wet the carpet.
And that whole crapload about what “democratic pollsters told NBC News that voters want kids taught the good and the bad of race relations” is crap. People want their kids educated to race by deploring racism and not ingrained about “race relations” as explained by Kendi and BLM.
Leftists cannot help but propagandize when they teach. It’s in their DNA. Conservatives not so much. Even now the left cannot help but push their religion in schools even as they’ve had God and Christianity expelled. Atheism, Godlessness, immorality, lasciviousness, and all the rest of their deadly sins are taught a Social Studies so they can’t be called religion but we all know what it is.
Actually, I believe that it was the 16th Amendment which was far, far worse; it allowed the federal government to tax individuals differently.
Next came ‘revenue sharing,’ which allowed the states to, in effect, transfer their deficits to the federal government.
In the 1980s the tax burden shifted from businesses paying more than 1/2 to individuals paying more than 1/2
The Hirsute One wrote:
Taxes on businesses are, of course, paid by the end consumer of their products.
Both Republicans and Democrats try to hide from the voters that individuals pay all taxes, that taxing those evil ol’ corporations simply means that those corporations pass those taxes on to their customers, and the politicians hope that you’ll be too stupid to figure that out.
So much for daily reciting of The Pledge of Allegiance
Lots of people hating the USA
Good luck with your war on America. You’ll need it.
What war on America? We’re did you get information leading to that assumption? Why would they need luck? Again, your knowledge is very poor.
Let’s see the dems want to eliminate the SC, the filibuster and stack the SC. They want to tell us what to eat, what to drive and regulate to death all or energy. They want to either kill or imprison us for protesting. Yet in their usual intensely dissonant way accuse us of having a “war on America”. Hey, if we were at war with America you’d already be dead.