Daily Archives: March 21, 2019

Who’s Up For Climate Moonbats And Massive Drugs?

Just going to leave this here https://twitter.com/jason_howerton/status/1108438658657464322 Seriously, the girl (did I just assume gender?) in blue is a faith healer for horses. Something good for you under the fold

Democrats Are Super Excited That New Zealand Is Banning Scary Looking Guns

And taking away private property, along with turning law abiding citizens into criminals, punishing people who had nothing to do with the attack New Zealand Banning Weapons Like Those Used In Mosque Attacks In Christchurch New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Thursday that the government will ban “military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles,” in […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Gillibrand wanting Social Security for illegal aliens.

After Murder Of Bambi Larson, San Jose Suddenly Realizes That Sanctuary City Status Might Not Be A Great Idea

Supporting illegal immigration and being a sanctuary jurisdiction is all fun and games right up to the point where it comes back and bites them with a real world atrocity Immigration debate intensifies in San Jose The debate on sanctuary city policies intensified at a City Council meeting this week after an update on activities […]

Cult of Climastrology Judge Blocks Oil Drilling In Montana Over ‘Climate Change’

Someone in D.C. should find out what kind of fossil fueled vehicle the judge drives U.S. judge blocks oil, gas drilling over climate change A judge has blocked oil and gas drilling on almost 500 square miles in Wyoming and says the government must consider the cumulative climate change impact of leasing broad swaths of […]

Trump Shoots Down Major Argument Against Releasing Mueller Report

Strange, one would think that if President Donald Trump had something to hide, he’d want the Mueller witch hunt report kept secret. Though I’m sure some of the Conspiracy Dems are saying that it is a psych-out, that he’s saying this so that the opposite happens ‘Let them see it’: Trump just nixed a major […]

Pirate's Cove