Daily Archives: January 2, 2019

Who’s Up For Eight Steps You Can Take To Thwart ‘Climate Change’?

It’s a brand new year, so, Elaina Hancock at the U of Connecticut offers some helpful advice…I wonder how much electricity is used by UConn to operate? Want to Thwart Climate Change? Here are 8 Steps You Can Take Now that the New Year’s Eve party is over, it’s time to lay off the balloons […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fridge causing the temperature to go up dozens of degrees soon, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is America’s Watchtower, with a post on Elizabeth Warren preparing a 2020 presidential run.

Liz Peek: Ways To Move Forward On Illegal Immigration Despite Demo Opposition

Liz Peek thinks she has the solution to the stalemate on border security Liz Peek: Dems’ opposition to Trump’s wall exposes hypocrisy on immigration– Here are 5 ways to move forward Nothing better illuminates Democrat hypocrisy that the ongoing squabble over the wall. Donald Trump wants it; Chuck Schumer says he can’t have it. This […]

Washington Governor Jay Inslee Is Running For President Because ‘Climate Change’

Democrats now have another old, white person running for the nomination. As a governor, he might have a better chance than the rest of the yahoos expected to run, being Senators, but, not with this climahysteric platform Jay Inslee Is Running for President The Washington governor has a single-minded focus: pulling the country back from […]

Mitt Romney Joins The Resistance With TDS Op-Ed

MItt Romney has done what John McCain did: gone truly Resistance to Donald Trump, showing his Trump Derangement Syndrome. Yet, both refused to attack the policies of Barack Obama or the man himself during their general elections as well as after they lost because they were being the “nice” guy while Obama, his surrogates, and […]

Pirate's Cove