Daily Archives: January 30, 2019

Super Warmists Elon Musk, Mike Bloomberg Highlight Their Climahypocrisy

Elon Musk used to be a media darling. He’s fallen out of favor, so now we get things like https://twitter.com/EmilyRPeck/status/1090358366856273920 I wonder how much in the way of fossil fuels the Washington Post uses to gather and disseminate the news? Will the WP start going after Gore, Obama, Pelosi, Sheldon Whitehouse, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc? Even […]

If All You See…

…is ocean kelp dying from too much ocean heat from Other People eating burgers, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Irons In The Fire, with a post on SJW freakout over “blackface” Sorry for the lateness, server went tits up (pun intended)

Virginia Democrats Look To Expend Abortion Right Up To Birth

If you thought the NY abortion law was bad (one columnist called it “evil codified“), enter Virginia VA CONSIDERING BILL LEGALIZING ABORTION UNTIL 40 WEEKS IN PREGNANCY Virginia is considering a bill allowing women to abort their unborn child until the moment the baby is born. Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran introduced HB2491, or the Repeal Act, which […]

Surprise: NY Times Links Current Freezing Conditions To ‘Climate Change’

It’s not that bad here in Raleigh. The temp gauge shows 26, though a bit chillier with the wind chill, and will be colder tomorrow. This happens. It does get cold in the South. We call it “winter”. It’s annoying because I live right next to the Neuse River, hence more moisture in the air, […]

How Socialism Works: $840 In Gold Bars Loaded On Russian Jet While Venezuelan’s Starve

In Venezuela, the citizens have no toilet paper, beer, or food. There was a point where they were eating animals from zoos and pets. And so many other issues, like no jobs, high unemployment, and so much more. But, it’s not a problem for the big wigs in the government, such as President Maduro, who […]

Pirate's Cove