Monthly Archives: December 2018

How Did “Silent Night” Become Such A Christmas Classic?

I like the song. It’s catchy, it’s not overblown, I haven’t heard a “today’s hot music” artist ruin in. It tends not to play on most business music systems, so you aren’t overloaded by listening to it again and again and again. How about you? Do you like it? (I also have an ulterior motive […]

Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Clause

Every Christmas, once everyone is up, Christmas greetings were made, hugs were exchanged, the presents were opened, and breakfast was being made, I would read this first in the paper (ye olde parental units get an actual paper, and they live in NJ). It is a Christmas classic that has always touched my soul. While […]

U.K. Needs To Radically Transform Society And Economy To Fight ‘Climate Change’

Funny how it always seems to come down to things like this. And carbon taxes Labour would ‘radically transform economy’ to focus on climate change A future Labour government would oversee an economic revolution to tackle the climate crisis, using the full power of the state to decarbonise the economy and create hundreds of thousands […]

If All You See…

…is a world flooded from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Blazing Cat Fur, with a post noting that SJWs now want the next 007 to be gender confused.

‘Climate Change’ Is Causing An Ever Growing Emotional Toll Or Something

It’s the time of the year where we should take pity on people who have been brainwashed into a doomsday cult and attempt to lead them back from the brink. Or laugh at them. Whichever ‘Climate grief’: The growing emotional toll of climate change When the U.N. released its latest climate report in October, it […]

‘Climate Change’ Is Soon To Cause “Earthset” Or Something

Not only is this bit of moonbattery involve the Christmas season, but the Warmist uses a great event to push the Cult (this apparently came off the CNN wire originally) 50 YEARS AFTER ‘EARTHRISE,’ WE ARE RACING TOWARD ‘EARTHSET’ Fifty years ago, astronaut Bill Anders captured an iconic photo of Earth. Looking out a window […]

Migrants Blast Caravan Organizers For The Risky Journey

Remember when this whole migrant caravan was a grassroots affair organized within? Caravan organizer Pueblo Sin Fronteras blasted by migrants over risky journey Pueblo Sin Fronteras, a group of activists escorting the migrant caravan of thousands of Central Americans traveling to the U.S., is being blamed by many — including the migrants themselves — for […]

Who’s Surprised That Warmists Are Blaming/Linking The Indonesia Tsunami To ‘Climate Change’?

So, a tsunami has hit Indonesia, and there are scores missing and 222 dead at this time. Some of the video is amazingly horrific. It was caused by Anak Krakatau, and ever growing volcano in the same area as the original Krakatau. But, of course, Cult of Climastrology Heartbreaking to have to witnesses the destructive […]

If All You See…

…is horrendous heat snow that will either be worse or non-existent in future Christmas’, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on biofuels causing more harm than (modeled) warming.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in America. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and Christmas is just a few days away. This pinup is by Barbara Ellen Segner with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Weasel Zippers features a very good boy in a Santa […]

Pirate's Cove