Daily Archives: January 8, 2018

Good News: Trump To Finally Visit California

Lots of Democrats have had a sad that Trump hasn’t visited their People’s Republik since he took office, because that would make the crazy #resist nutter moonbats go apeshit with his visit, and we know how they like to be Outraged. Trump’s War on California must be stopped, and the best way is to reject […]

If All You See…

…are horrible carbon pollution clouds, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is JoNova, with a post on the Sydney “hottest ever” mistake.

Frigid Temperatures Totally Confirm ‘Climate Change’, Ya Know

It’ll be interesting to see what the Cult of Climastrology is saying by the end of the week and through the following week, as much of the country thaws out and could even see above average temperatures (see, this is how you end up with an average. Some days above, some days below). Will they […]

Senator Cotton: Democrats Should Be Willing To Compromise On DACA

The other day, the NY Times was whining that it was Trump who was imperiling the bipartisan talks on DACA and border security by offering up his requirements. It included this from Senator Dick Durbin “President Trump has said he may need a good government shutdown to get his wall,” a furious Mr. Durbin said […]

Responsible Journalism: Trump’s Physical Won’t Tell Us About His Mental Fitness Or Something

The Russian collusion thing hasn’t actually gone anywhere further than talking points, and, after over a year of yammering, hasn’t actually proven any collusion. None of the other things have worked, either, so Democrats are going back to one of their standards for when there is a Republican president: that he has mental issues. This […]

Pirate's Cove