Monthly Archives: August 2017

Doom: Trump Disbands Federal ‘Climate Change” Advisory Panel

It sounds more doomy if you term it “disbands” rather than “not renewing”, a notion not lost lost on either the Washington Post (which uses lots and lots of fossil fuels and energy to produce and distribute its tree killing edition) or The Hill, with it’s follow up article. Here’s the WP sounding more like […]

The Eclipse Is Racist Or Something

The eclipse begins today around 1pm eastern time. We’ve already seen such things as having it be a call to action on ‘climate change’, so, why not this? The Eclipse Is Racist Because It Fails To Affect Enough Black People, The Atlantic Suggests The Atlantic, a once-great magazine, has determined that the total eclipse of […]

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic bottle causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Knuckledraggin My Life Away, with a post on being assaulted due to dreadlocks. It’s still “cleaning the IAYS folder out” weeks. And, as always, please recycle plastics. At the least, dispose of them properly, don’t just […]

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday. It’s a great day here in America. The sun is shining (except for a wee bit tomorrow), the birds are singing (well, at least Antifa allows them their free speech), and the Dodgers are still kicking butt. This pinup is by Rolf Armstrong, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in […]

NY Times Finally Admits That Islamic Terrorists Are Islamic

Now that Mr. Obama isn’t in office making pronouncements that Islamic terrorists aren’t Muslims, despite the Islamic terrorists stating they are Muslims, the Times is free to call Islamic terrorists Islamic Terror in Barcelona There are always many questions after a terrorist attack, some never to be answered. Why a promenade in Barcelona and the seaside […]

If All You See…

…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on what to replace the Confederate statues with.

Bummer: Illegal Aliens Are Getting A Harder Punishment For First Time Offenders

Cue the tiny violins A Harder Punishment For First-Time Offenders Who Cross U.S. Border Illegally Every weekday now, a quietly chaotic but systemic routine plays out in a courtroom in a downtown federal court in Tucson. Defense attorneys, U.S. prosecutors and marshals in dark blue suits stand in groups talking quietly. And then, seven men […]

The Eclipse Can Be A Call To Action On ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Is anybody surprised in the least that the Cult of Climastrology is using the coming eclipse to pimp its cultish ways? Let Monday’s eclipse be a call to action on climate change Talmud teaches: “When the sun is eclipsed, it is a bad omen for the entire world.” This is not surprising. Nearly every ancient […]

NY Times Finally Manages To Work Firearms Into The Charlottesville Narrative

It’s taken the editorial board of the NY Times almost a week to finally realize “hey, people were carrying guns at the rally!!!!!”, and they’ve decided to be Offended, just as you think The Gunmen at ‘Free Speech’ Rallies Even before violence erupted in Charlottesville, Va., last weekend, city residents and the police anxiously watched the […]

You Just Knew Someone Had To Link Charlottesville And Climate Change, Right?

Seriously From the article What happened in Charlottesville, US, showed that temperatures and tempers are flaring in this long, hot summer. Is the Arab spring spreading worldwide due to global warming? (lots of yammering with all their talking points about the Arab spring being about ‘climate change’) The Charlottesville protests over the dismantling of […]

Pirate's Cove