Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Rumble On Long Island Brought The Fire Between Trump And Hillary

I’ll admit, I did not see the whole thing. I was switching back and forth between football and the rumble after the first 30 minutes. How’d it go? (Fox News) Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in a fiery opening debate where seemingly nothing was off limits, clashed sharply Monday night as the Republican nominee worked […]

Hey, Remember That Thing About Keith Scott Not Having A Gun?

We were told time and time again that Keith Scott, killed by Charlotte Police Officers last week, did not have a firearm. His wife even said it on the video she released. Um, yeah, about that (via Twitchy) Less than a year ago, #KeithLamontScott's wife filed for a restraining order. This was part of the […]

If All You See…

…is a world too bright to be in focus from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post wondering if the FBI investigation into Hillary was a sham.

Scientists Are Uncertain Why Earth Is Leaking Oxygen, But, They’re Willing To Think It’s ‘Climate Change’

This is has been going on for 800,000 years, but, hey, it’s still probably your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle (via Powerline) Earth’s atmosphere is slowly leaking oxygen, and scientists aren’t sure why Don’t panic, but researchers have discovered that oxygen is (very) slowly draining out of Earth’s atmosphere, and right now, they’re […]

Charlotte Protesters Have Their List Of Demands Post Shooting

Because of course they do. These little Social Justice Warriors always have their list of demands. And it’s a real hoot that this always seems to be a bunch of leftists making a list of demands for Democrats who are in charge of the areas where things have gone wrong. Like in Charlotte (Heat Street) […]

The Things That Donald And Hillary Need To Do Tonight

It’s finally here, the cage match of the century. Politico notes Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will debate for 90 minutes on Monday. But the winner likely will be determined in the first half-hour. That’s when Al Gore first sighed, Mitt Romney knocked President Obama on his heels, and Marco Rubio, earlier this year, glitched […]

Gloria Steinen: Abortion Is A Solution For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

The Cult of Climastrology has long been on the population reduction bandwagon. Usually for Other People. They love pimping the notion of population suppression for “people of color”, generally meaning black people in Africa and “yellow” people in Asia. Now we get this (via Twitchy) Gloria Steinem: “Forced Childbirth is the Single Biggest Cause of […]

If All You See…

…is a palm tree growing in a Canada made hot by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Nocturnal Lives, with a post on the fall shows to avoid.

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A gorgeous day in the once and future nation of America. Fall is officially here, the NFL and college football are in full swing, and the NHL is soon. This pinup is by Tatiana Doronino, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 The Daley […]

Say, How Could Sexxxxxism Hurt Hillary During The Debates?

The media and their Democrat comrades have long attempted to set the conditions where if Hillary loses, it will be do to outside factors having nothing to do with her. It won’t be due to her being a horrible, horrible candidate. It won’t be because she’s rather boring. Or because people are worried about her […]

Pirate's Cove