Daily Archives: September 27, 2016

GOP Asks Obama To Provide Proof That Hotcoldwetdry Is A National Security Concern

Now, let’s be honest: climatic changes do pose a threat. It always has. It also can reduce threats. But, the question has never been about a warming climate, it’s over the causation. And Team Obama is all about Blamestorming mankind (Daily Caller) Republican lawmakers are demanding the Obama administration back up with evidence a recent […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Zilla Of The Resistance, with a post on the debate causing Special Snowflakes to be triggered.

Say, How Do We Teach ‘Climate Change’ Without Terrifying School Kids?

This is something Very Concerning to NPR, which seems to forget that the Cult of Climastrology has been attempting to terrify kids for decades Teaching Middle Schoolers Climate Change Without Terrifying Them Bertha Vazquez has taught earth science for more than twenty-five years. “For many years I covered the basic standard, probably like most people […]

Obama’s Clean Power Plan Hits The Court Today

This could be a very big deal depending on the outcome. The oral arguments are on Tuesday (Daily Caller)  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear oral arguments Tuesday in West Virginia v. EPA, the legal challenge to President Barack Obama’s signature global warming initiative, the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The […]

The Rumble On Long Island Brought The Fire Between Trump And Hillary

I’ll admit, I did not see the whole thing. I was switching back and forth between football and the rumble after the first 30 minutes. How’d it go? (Fox News) Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, in a fiery opening debate where seemingly nothing was off limits, clashed sharply Monday night as the Republican nominee worked […]

Pirate's Cove