You’ve heard and read this before, both here and at other sites. Originally, Warmists were proclaiming that snow would be a thing of the past, that school kids wouldn’t know what snow is. When that backfired, they changed and said that snow, especially big snow storms, would increase because of “climate change”. They’ve done the same thing with tropical storm activity and cold snaps. Because “science”, you know, whereby science has become feelings and political based
Yes, this is by Climatologist Keven Trenberth. The same one who wrote in the Climategate emails “The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.”
As (I assume he means “At”) first glance, asking whether global warming results in more snow may seem like a silly question because obviously, if it gets warm enough, there is no snow. Consequently, deniers of climate change have used recent snow dumps to cast doubt on a warming climate from human influences. Yet they could not be more wrong.
To understand the connection, we need to look at what conditions make for the heaviest snowfalls. Then, we can look at how climate change is affecting those conditions, especially temperatures in the atmosphere and oceans, during winters. Studying these factors reveals that there is a higher chance of heavy snow storms in North America but the length of the snow season is already shrinking due to global warming.
In other words, Trenberth is going to go through some extreme machinations to say that human caused global warming is causing it to be snowier now. He yammers on about “Goldilocks temperatures”, “more moisture” (debunked), and then we get to
The environment in which all storms form is now different than it was just 30 or 40 years ago because of global warming. Changes in atmospheric composition from human activities have increased carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases, with carbon dioxide level increasing by over 40 percent since about 1900 mainly from burning fossil fuels.
Interesting. It was quite snowy during the cooling of the 40’s through the late 70’s. It was also snowy during the previous pause. It was also snowy during the big warm period of the 1930’s. It was certainly snowy during the Little Ice Age and the last glacial age. Are we to assume that it was super warm during those periods which caused the snow and cold?
Oh, and what fossil fuels usage caused the snowy periods during the Little Ice Age, Dark Ages, other Holocene cool periods, the last glacial period, heck, Snowball Earth? This is a political argument from Trenberth and the Warmists designed to continue to prop up their anti-science beliefs.

But you linked to weatherman Joe Bastardi’s graph of “relative humidity” in the upper atmosphere… In fact, water vapor content at the Earth’s surface is increasing with temperature.
Evidence for your claims about past snowiness? Or are you using Currier and Ives paintings about snowy holidays as evidence?