Monthly Archives: April 2014

If All You See…

…are evil plastic Easter eggs causing the temperatures to spike to broiling, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Joe For America, with a post noting that the Easter Bunny causes global warming.

Easter Is A Good Time For Warmists To Pimp Climate Change

Well, really, every holiday is an occasion for Warmists to pimp climate change (Edmonton Sun) A blanket of snow may have put the brakes on an annual Easter tradition but the weather may have served to amplify the message it carried in another way. About 300 people came to the Hope Mission in Edmonton on […]

Freedom From Religion Foundation Upset That Their Insulting Sign Was “Violently Mangled”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is one of the more extreme Left wing religion hating groups. To use Leftist terminology, they are a hate group. They constantly butt in around the country regarding religious belief. These busybodies are Offended, so the rights of other people have to be infringed. And, like most leftist groups, instead […]

Obama Punts Keystone XL Yet Again

Remember when the decision on Keystone XL would be in “months”? That was a few months ago. And the decision is to ….. punt. Here’s our Decider-in-chief (Politico) The Obama administration says it is indefinitely extending its long-awaited review of the Keystone XL pipeline — providing a Good Friday jolt to one of the president’s […]

European Commission To Make Your Coffee Machine Climate Friendly

And have you drinking cold coffee. I’d say they’ve gone off the rails, but that happened long ago (No Tricks Zone) The Austrian daily Der Standard here reports that a new European eco-design directive will switch off coffee machines after five minutes. The directive will go into effect on January 1, 2015. Commercial coffee makers […]

Hillary Tells Illegal Demanding Stuff That She’s Brave

When I write and say that it’s not our immigration system that’s broken, but our politicians and political system that are broken, the following is what I mean. That, and that illegals might be better accepted if they weren’t all demanding (Daily Mail) A 19-year-old college student announced for the first time Thursday that she […]

If All You See…

…is an evil plastic water bottle causing the seas to rise and cover the entire East coast, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on anti-unionization at Media Matters.

LOL: Ikea Plans “Green” Meatballs To Fight Hotcoldwetdry

No, seriously. The same company which uses lots of wood, obtained by cutting down carbon pollution sucking trees, and has lots of plastic bowls, dishes, cups, etc, is uber concern trolling (Telegraph) Ikea is developing a new ‘green’ version of its famous Swedish meatballs in order to cut carbon emissions and help tackle climate change, […]

What TV Shows Do You Watch?

Something non-political, not “climate changey”, for discussion. For me, there are few shows I watch. There are none on network TV, which includes ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and the CW, other than sports like golf, football, baseball, and hockey. The last show I watched regularly was Stephen King’s Under The Dome, which turned into a […]

DOE Plans On Wasting Another $4 Billion On Renewable Project Loans

Providing loans for renewable/alternative energy programs would, in a sane world, be a good idea. Unfortunately, as we saw with the previous loans, they were politically motivated and were wasteful (Reuters) The U.S. Energy Department on Wednesday unveiled a plan for up to $4 billion in loan aid for renewable energy companies to help rejuvenate […]

Pirate's Cove