Stupid butterfly! How dare you adapt! (Guardian) A butterfly species whose population collapsed because of climate change and habitat loss has defied predictions of extinction to rapidly move to cooler climes and change its food plant. The quino checkerspot (Euphydryas editha quino), found in Mexico and California, has shifted to higher altitudes and surprisingly chosen […]
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- Kye on Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers: “Ahh, the memories.” Feb 14, 18:55
- Professor Hale on Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers: “No. It isn’t enough. The people we declare as refugees are without exception incapable of assimilation into the USA and…” Feb 14, 18:39
- drowningpuppies on Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers: “Bet he wonders why he’s never invited to parties.” Feb 14, 18:06
- david7134 on Surprise: HHS Wasted $22 Billion On Getting Cars And Homes For Fake Asylum Seekers: “Jeff calls Kye a parasite, for participating in a legal activity. He called his wife a whore, for no reason.…” Feb 14, 17:54
- Mr Keebasa on If All You See…: “Does she not risk some chaff causing chafe in her ….. with her shorts like that?” Feb 14, 16:10