March 3, 2014 – 6:39 pm
I’m guessing her nuanced position on Obamacare and voting in lockstep with Obama is not working out so well (WRAL) While President Barack Obama, Gov. Pat McCrory and U.S. Sen. Richard Burr all saw slight improvements in voters’ rating of their job performance in the latest Elon University Poll, U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan continued a […]
March 3, 2014 – 1:00 pm
…is a house that was probably damaged from extreme weather due to evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Hockey Schtick, with a post on a new paper regarding warming and the PDO.
March 3, 2014 – 12:40 pm
How do Climate Realists/skeptics compete with the sheer idiocy, brainwashing, and complete lack of science? The frigid cold and snow are global climate change. If you wonder where the sun goes at night, as do typical global climate change deniers, you are probably seizing on the hoax story fed to you by big oil. Big […]
March 3, 2014 – 11:45 am
In case you missed it, here’s what Rep. Mike Rogers had to say (The Blaze) U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been emboldened by the Obama administration’s diplomatic strategy of containment, which has given room to Putin’s push for geopolitical dominance. “I think Putin is playing chess and […]
March 3, 2014 – 10:54 am
The first thing would probably to avoid using the word “deniers”, meant to equate people who do not believe every weather event and temperature change is caused mostly/solely by Mankind with those who say the Holocaust never happened. How to debate climate change deniers (without scaring them off) If you want to see an expression […]
March 3, 2014 – 8:22 am
And have managed to bring the Gore Effect to D.C. today, where it is snowy and cold, and will be cold for days. (Chicago Tribune) WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Police arrested hundreds of young people protesting the Keystone XL project on Sunday, as demonstrators fastened themselves with plastic ties to the White House fences and called […]
March 3, 2014 – 8:06 am
OK, I added those last two for effect. We could have also inserted golfing, incompetence, poor training, poorer knowledge, terrible advisers, and a general inability to care about what’s going on. Yesterday I noted the Washington Post editorial board stated that Ukraine is a test for Obama’s “smart power”. Today President Obama’s foreign policy is […]