In case you missed it, here’s what Rep. Mike Rogers had to say
(The Blaze) U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been emboldened by the Obama administration’s diplomatic strategy of containment, which has given room to Putin’s push for geopolitical dominance.
“I think Putin is playing chess and I think we’re playing marbles,†the House Intelligence Committee Chairman told Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace. “And I don’t think it’s even close.â€
One of Obama’s problems is that he just doesn’t seem to care about the details of doing the job of POTUS, as I’ve mentioned. The other is that, excepting for campaigning for himself, Obama lives in the now. He’s the ultimate social media president. With campaigning, there’s an end point, a goal. You have to hand it to him, he is one of the best at campaigning. Everything else seems to be based in the now, with some flashbacks to score political points. There is no forward thinking, not “strategery”, no planning.
Remember how Obama and the media lambasted Mitt Romney for calling Russia a “geo-political foe”? In fact, what Romney was doing was thinking ahead. Anyone who has spent time being a high-end leader knows you have to think ahead. You want to attempt to head future issues off at the pass. It doesn’t always work, of course. But you plan. Companies have short term and long term plans. There has to be strategic thinking, because other companies are going to attempt to beat them. The Pentagon has plans to take on Canada. Does anyone think there isn’t a plan involving the use of nuclear weapons against Canada? Or even Jamaica?
Obama lives in the now, particularly when it comes to foreign policy. He doesn’t want to know what is coming, what the long term threats are, what could happen. And he surrounds himself with people who are all about the “now”. His domestic policy isn’t much better.
He’s not playing marbles: he’s pitching pennies, where the idea is to get this penny.

I have to disagree with you, Captain. Barry O has a plan and has a vision for the USA. It just does not include foreign policy. His foreign policy is to withdraw the US as the world aggressor. He thinks words will work without power/force to back them up. Its all collegiate now, don’t ya know?
He has a violent plan for the US: Economic failure, destruction of existing political system, rule by fiat, billions of bullets for the population, armored cars for riot control, etc. His hatred of the US knows no bounds.
Given that’s all he carries around in his sac, I’d say that’s a pretty accurate statement.
Putin holds on the trump cards on this Teach. The American people would not support another Asian land war. Maybe you already forgot that the 1 million tons of gear in afghanistan must exit through Russia. Maybe you feel that Ukraine is worth a war with Russia?
When the JCS wargames this situation what do you think they tell Obama? The Joint Chiefs of Staff are behind Obama on his decision to not risk going nuclear on this.
So you, like Neville Chamberlain, think that the invasion of a country by another country is to subjugate the people is acceptable because others are tired?
What stops aggression is a line in the sand that is enforced and where people or countries say “no more.” That type of resolve brought down the USSR.
What never works is what you propose: “whatever. We need to get some sleep.”
Wow. John now speaks for the Joint Chiefs.
Tell me john, have you ever heard anyone advocate “going nuclear on this?”
Or are you looking to ride rainbows and unicorns with Obama?
Face it. That man cannot lead.
I agree that the Obama agenda is the destruction of the US. Consider this, if we went to war with Russia, who is fighting for the concept of freedom, us or them. We seem to be more communistic than the Russians, currently.
The fact is that we are not going to war. I seriously doubt that the American people would follow this nut job of a president into battle. Plus, our military is in no way capable of taking on someone like Russia, and probably China. Plus, we do not have the economy to do anything. I doubt we have as strong of any economy as we did in 1941. Economies win wars, not necessarily the military.
Now for John, The invasion of the Ukraine is like the icing on a cake. Obama started baking and building that cake 5 years ago. Hillary helped with such stupid, grating statements as “reset button”. That told the Russian that they had a free hand to do whatever they desired. Putin is a far stronger man than Obama ever dreamed of being and has repeatedly slap his sorry backside every time he could. So, thanks John for voting for this crap.
THE Mike Rogers?
So you lads call Obama a pussy because the Russians advanced on the Ukraine. Typical conservatives, you view this as a mano-a-mano match.
Was George W. Bush a pussy when the Russians invaded Georgia in 2008?
What would you do or would you have done differently? I may have missed it from the Republicans, the post and the comments.
I figured out your problem, you can’t read. We don’t consider Obama anything due to his response to the Russian advance, we consider him a pussy, as does the rest of the world (I have asked) and thus the ability of the Russians to feel free to do what they desire. Bush in 08 was very much compromised by the Democratic congress, even the Russians can read and watch TV to know that Bush had no power due to the desire of the Democrats to destroy the country.
[…] Pirate’s Cove clarifies exactly what Obama is doing. He’s not playing marbles. He’s pitching pennies. […]
Poot is playing Go, Barry is just playing with himself.
PS Poot waited until Dubya had been slimed by the media (and the Democrats) and was occupied by a market crash and banking collapse.
What’s Barry’s preoccupation?
Other than Reggie Love, of course.
No one calls him that until AFTER you say bring it up. Where has anyone called him a “pussy” before you mention it?
Are you having comprehension issues again? Can’t read what is said? Creating strawmen?
Good Lord you can’t get over Bush can you?
Here’s a news flash for you: BUSH IS NOT PRESIDENT.
Have a spine is a good place to begin.
To some degree, I will agree. The thing is, while he has the vision, he doesn’t have a proper long term plan nor the strategic thinking to get it done properly. He still tends to think in the moment. That’s one of the reasons the launch of Ocare has been pathetic, and he keeps jumping from subject to subject.
No one of sound mind is calling for any military intervention, including me. It would be beyond stupid.
No one is talking about going nuclear either. Not sure where you come up with this crap.
Who called him a pussy? Not me. It’s not about mano-a-mano, it’s about Obama showing up at the party when they’re doing the dishes.
So you think the climate 4,000,000,000 years ago is relevant today but that Russia’s behavior in 2008 is not.
“Have a spine is a good place to begin.” How does that manifest itself in a President? Please be specific. Is Russia invading Crimea evidence of spinelessness in a Prez? How about Russia invading South Ossetia?
Congratulations! This may be the singular dumbest analogy ever known to or seen by mankind.
You don’t know what having a spine is?
I am not surprised.
By the way, I noticed that you didn’t show where anyone other than you were the first to mention “oussy” in regards to the President.
Did you forget?
Or are you afraid to say that you made another lie up to try and distract from the truth?
I am not surprised you can’t back up your bumper sticker slogans.
So what would you actually do if you were President?
PSST,,,, Jeffery…… you are typing things that you are saying to yourself. We have talked about this before.
Please seek help for this.
As I said previously, I first would have attended the national security briefing on the subject to get options on the situation. I would have told the fund raiser to kiss off. I would not have glibly said “this is happy hour for Democrats.”
At the same time, I would not have thrown Israel under the bus and then backed it over them several times as Obama has done this past week.
It is amazing that Obama seems to cowtow to an enemy while dissing allies. You might see that as a success, but most people in this world don’t.
Face it, Obama is a lightweight on the international stage.
Now, let’s go back to where you lied about what people who disagree with you said. Care to point out where we said Obama was a “pussy” befoer you brought up the term?
I am not surprised that you haven’t been able to back up your assertion.
This is a pattern with you, Jeffery.
So let’s see, you can’t back up your belief that Obama has been successful in foreign policy. You got killed on Obama is a tyrant. You got killed on the idea that conservatives are less charitable than liberals.
Keep going, Jeffery. Every post you make shows how ridiculous you are.
Putin tested the US in 2008 by invading Georgia and the US response was to send aid to Georgia on MILITARY jets. According to you we failed that test and it was the fault of Obama, presidential candidate, not the then sitting President.
The Ukraine overthrows its Putin puppet, Yanukovich, and Putin invades Crimea when he sees a messy, burgeoning democracy on his doorstep.
So if you were President you would send Putin a message by going to a meeting and you’d go back in time and be nicer to Netanyahu. Would you do anything that might actually change the situation?
Republicans are busy loudly calling their President feckless, limp and weak compared to their man-crush, Vladimir Putin. This exposes the long-standing need of authoritarian conservatives to always have a strict daddy in charge. Your need for a protector is stronger than your duty to country. You exhibit Obama Derangement Syndrome.
I don’t believe that anyone has said anything about the 2008 incident other than you who keeps trying to say that this is all Bush’s fault. I know I have not made any such statement on the 2008 incident, but once again, the truth doesn’t matter to you.
Would you do anything that might actually change the situation?
I know that you are simply trying to be an ass here and you are succeeding.
The point is Jeffery, that on one hand Obama said he was “deeply concerned” (a phrase which he likes to you and has no meaning in his actions) and then did nothing to demonstrate that concern. His actions did not meet his words.
Now if you think the world and the world leaders don’t take note of that, you’re more of a partisan idiot than I think you are.
Republicans are busy loudly calling their President feckless, limp and weak compared to their man-crush, Vladimir Putin.
Once again, you have to lie and create straw men to make a point.
There is not a Republican or conservative that I know that likes or admires Putin. We, unlike you and Obama see him as a threat. We see him as a bully. Unlike most of us who grew up knowing that you confront bullies to get them to stop their actions, Obama is relying on “going to the principal” to get someone to do something. The only problem is that Obama is the “principal” in this situation.
Whether you like it or not, true leaders lead from the front. Obama is incapable of leading. It just isn’t in him. While that is not a failing in other jobs, it is a failing in the position of President.