Obama’s just adding to his 41,000 metric ton carbon footprint
(Telegraph) Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.
Arriving in the idyllic coastal retreat of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, Mr Obama left behind him in Washington DC high profile debates over the budget, government surveillance and his health care reforms. Instead, he will spend the next eight days playing golf, going to the beach, and buying books from the Bunch of Grapes bookstore.
Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys, a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.
I wonder how much that cost the American taxpayer, and what the rationale is for flying the dog separately? Oh, and did Obama pay for the carbon offsets himself, or stick the taxpayer with the bill? Did he even bother with offsets? Probably not.

Teach 2 planes HAD to go to MV, the dog road on one. Did you actually think that the reason that the 2 planes flew to MV was to take the dog?
Teach the POTUS is not the one who decides on what security is needed. That is done by the Secret Service. Why have 2 ospreys on standby? well I don’t know but perhaps someone thought it prudent to have some emergency way for the POTUS to leave MV if the only paved runway on the island was damaged.
Why Ospreys instead of a helicopter ??? well ask the USMC why they feel the Osprey is better
[…] by a US president. (Read More)It’s not just the cost of this that’s so outrageous, but the utter hypocrisy of a man who is willing to destroy the economy in the name of fighting climate change. Oh well, I […]
john: “it was perfectly reasonable for clinton to get a BJ while in the oval office. It only made sense. Hooking up in some hotel room is not secure. That’s a decision of the Secret Service. Why do you think Monica was on stand-by so much? She only BJ’d him once per visit.”
thanks john for the perfect example of how to excuse Hitler.
What john doesn’t get is that Obama is already at Martha’s. He already has a security detail and a means of leaving. He wanted the dog with him, the SS had to comply. The USMC probably chose the MV-22 because of cargo space and speed and where they had to land. These are official POTUS aircraft. As POTUS already had the USM1 and possibly USM2 whirlies there with him, the SS were forced to fly the more expensive MV-22s.
Did anyone else note what other items were HAULED via the expensive MV-22s? Basketballs.
The presidential palace at Martha’s doesn’t come equipped with basketballs? They had to fly them out with Bo?
Someone please rid us of these pesky royals.
Slightly off topic.
‘John Galt’ names the one man who had the inside info on Obama and Seal Team 6 scandal and the Benghazi scandal. This man who could topple Obama
A few months later we now have the answer: He was Paid Off.
And if you do a bit of digging…
Leveraged buyouts are what broke the back of US industry and transfered the built up wealth in our US corporations and transfered it to the elite. Statistics (courtesy of Bridgewater) showed in 1990, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002 this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP. – http://www.fame.org/HTM/greg%20Pickup
If you want the really long analysis I can give it to you.