Could use some here in Raleigh: I turned the heat on (I keep it at 68) before heading to work. Here’s a statement James Inhofe released
(Political News) “When we experience temperatures not to our liking, it gets labeled as global warming in the summer and climate change in the winter. Waking up to frost on my windshield in May made it a little confusing just what my climate alarmist friends would say we’re experiencing here in Oklahoma. Yesterday’s temperatures were 10-20 degrees below average across the state, and April brought some of the coldest days in our state’s history. Our farmers are suffering because of it with wheat output expected to drop by nearly 50 percent this year due to the late-season freezes. All the while, activists are relentless in their attempts to drum up global warming hysteria blaming our state’s successful energy sector for extreme heat temperatures. The activists will expect Oklahomans to forget about our cold spring the moment a hot summer day sets in, but Oklahomans won’t be fooled – not when our crops have been affected and our job-creating energy sector is being attacked. President Obama and others in his cabinet renewed their promise to confront the ‘threat’ of climate change, yet the mainstream media has said their efforts have been subpar as of recent. The Economist reported in March that scientists are beginning to backtrack their concerns for man-made climate change, citing that temperatures globally have not risen over the past decade. Maybe it’s time some of this hot air surrounding the global warming debate be sent down here to relieve Oklahomans and our farmers.”
Come on, Jim, you know that cold is now caused by too much in the way of greenhouse gases. Sheesh!