Yeah, not so much, via this graphic from C3 Headlines
As the orange circles indicate, annual temperature change constantly fluctuates between positive and negative values, and the blue 10-year average reveals zero “accelerated” warming. The growth of CO2 levels (grey columns and curve) reveals little influence on temperature change.
To put this in real world context, think about it this way:
1. If a portfolio manager said the orange circles represent accelerating investment returns, year after year, that person would likely be incarcerated or institutionalized for blatant fraud.
2. If the Google CEO told his board of the directors that the orange circles represent accelerating growth of Google profits, year after year, the board (even board member Al Gore) would have no choice but to fire the CEO for either gross stupidity or robust lying.
The data itself comes from directly from the National Climatic Data Center, a part of the NOAA. Must suck for the Warmists when their own official data refutes their official beliefs.
(You can see the giants size graphic over at C3 by clicking on the smaller picture.

See my post below on sea ice extent posted since 1978 by the national snow and ice center.
It too shows some interesting tidbits of information that hardly screams for the panic button to be pressed.