So, let’s see. Ombambi stated during his coronation that he would fight against terrorism(and said it in the same breath as combating global frickin’ warming.) He promised to safeguard the USA against terrorism. So, during his first two days, OK, day and a half, did he sign an executive order that would offer greater protection to the homeland or go after jihadis? Um, well, no
President Obama on Thursday will order the closure of so-called black sites, where CIA and European security services have interrogated terrorist suspects, under executive orders dismantling much of the Bush admistration’s architecture for the war on terror, according to four individuals familiar with a draft executive order.
Mr. Obama will shutter “all permanant detention facilities overseas,” the draft said, according to the individuals who asked not to be named because the orders have not yet been signed. There are at least eight such prisons, according to published reports. The Bush administration never revealed the number or location of the facilities, although several were said to be in Eastern Europe.
Instead of issuing orders to protect the United States from jihadis, which happens to be the first duty listed in the Constitution, and part of the oath of office, he will issue orders to be nice to Islamic jihadis. Oh, and this is probably an attempt to make the world love us. Even though Obambi sure doesn’t like Medal Of Honor recipients, who he blew off.
Kim Priestap writes: Unless this is all a ruse and he’s doing this as a way of getting these centers under the radar again, this is bad news for America. Our enemies all over the world are watching Obama and what they are witnessing is a president who is afraid of showing strength.
Personally, I think this shows how weak he will be, how the WoT will be about making people love us (which worked so well in the 90’s, eh?), and about the whole liberal litany of tolerance, inclusion, PC, and ….BOOM! Jihadis will be watching videos of this and doing the same thing I do while watching Jeff Dunham videos. LMAO.
It also shows what kind of things will go on behind the scenes. Two days in, and there are already anonymous leakers, leaking not only the coming orders, but how many CIA sites there are. Read paragraph six in this NY Times story. These kinds of leaks will give newspaper workers orgasm’s, particularly after the closed mouth Bush admin.
Update: signed, with massive stuttering.
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And people give Dubya flack for the way he speaks?
Aren’t you glad this was his first act? Economy? Eh. Going after jihadis? Eh. Obambi doesn’t even know where to put them. Think he’ll know in a year?
Obama’s speech:
We can keep America safe AND follow international law.
Teach said: Instead of issuing orders to protect the United States from jihadis, which happens to be the first duty listed in the Constitution, and part of the oath of office,
Yes, the President is obligated to protect the citizens of the United States but the oath he swore was to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. By ensuring our laws and principles are in line with capturing, questioning and detaining terrorists he is doing just that.
Our enemies all over the world are watching Obama and what they are witnessing is a president who is afraid of showing strength.
On the contrary. This is the ultimate show of strength.
The Prez is supposed to “protect” the people of the US ? Didn’t anyone tell Bush that before 9/11 or Katrina ? And Teach let’s look back a little father than the 90s let’s take a look back to the 80s when the USA gave billions to the radical jihadists because they were fighting Russia. Blowback it is a bitch isn’t it. Apparently Reagan and crew never thought about who the jihadists were going to fight AFTER the Russians were thrown out.
I’ll give you that, Reasic. If Bush had just said “we are going to follow the Geneva Conventions for the G’itmo detainees,” everything would be pretty much fine. He really f’d up on that one. (sorry, couldn’t find something to be contrary for contrary sake)
But, Silke, notice that he is not interested in protecting Americans with these proclamations, but protecting those who would be happy to slit American throats. And, interestingly, he still hasn’t come out today denouncing the leak of the secret info regarding the CIA detention centers. People went ballistic over Valerie Plan, but, no biggy over real secrets.
First, John, how was Bush supposed to protect people from a hurricane? It is a force of nature, it will come. Besides, it was the responsibility of the mayor and governor for most things prior, and the Army Corps of Engineers had been spending lots of money on the levies.
For 9/11, what was he supposed to do? They had little actionable intelligence. The only thing they could have done was massive profiling and searches at the airports. And you on the left would have pitched hissy fits over that.
And why am I not surprised that you are taking the position that it is America’s fault?
PS: these are the first things he really does, helping out jihadis. He just signed them
Teach said: But, Silke, notice that he is not interested in protecting Americans with these proclamations, but protecting those who would be happy to slit American throats.
I noticed nothing of the sort. That’s your skewed interpretation, Teach. I happen to think upholding our Constitution is the best way to protect Americans – but that’s my skewed interpretation. 😉
That was weird, I did not turn the comments and TB’s off. Must of had something to do with the embeded vid.
You say tomato, I say a good fresh red sauce, Silke. It’s funny, because so many people on the Left and in the media have been comparing Obama to Lincoln and FDR. If memory serves, both of them did things to safeguard the USA which y’all would pitch hissy fits over if that happened today. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, and ignored the 9th and 10th Amendments. FDR threw Japanese into camps.
And, FYI, the Constitution doesn’t apply to people who are not American citizens, unless we want it too.
So, since you are all for closing G’itmo and the CIA centers, where do you propose we put them? How about a facility near your town, Silke? Is that acceptable? If not, why not?
Teach said: And, FYI, the Constitution doesn’t apply to people who are not American citizens, unless we want it too.
The Constitution applies to the federal government. It is a list of rules and powers of the federal government. The Bill of Rights is a list of things the federal government may not do. Nowhere does it make an exception for non-citizens.
So, since you are all for closing G’itmo and the CIA centers, where do you propose we put them? How about a facility near your town, Silke? Is that acceptable?
Yes that’s acceptable and I wouldn’t be surprised if that actually happens since we are a military family. Being in harms way is nothing new.