[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, […]
If you ever needed proof that there is something seriously warped when it comes to the logic of the militant Muslim, this should do it. The Muslim pirates of Somalia, hijacked a (Muslim) Saudi ship laden with the stuff that were it not for the existe…
Seriously. You cannot make this stuff up. Florida has decided to get tough on farting.
Florida Boy Arrested For Gas Attack
12-year-old charged after deliberately “breaking wind” in class
NOVEMBER 21–A 12-year-old Florida student w…
[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, L.O.M.A., CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox […]
It’s time for another Shockwave Flash movie about economics. If you’re using Internet Explorer, you may have to override a security setting to see it. Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog,…
[…] to third world county, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, The Random Yak, Political Byline, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Democrat=Socialist, L.O.M.A., and […]
Why Obama Does not Favor the Fairness Doctrine: Hint, it’s not Good News…
The basic theory behind the Fairness Doctrine is fairness. This would mean that the expression of liberal ideas would need to be balanced with the expression of conservative ones, just as conservative ideas are balanced with liberal ones, and would imp…
[…] to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, The Random Yak, Political Byline, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Democrat=Socialist, L.O.M.A., and […]
[…] third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, L.O.M.A., CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks […]
C. S. Lewis died the same day as did President John F. Kennedy. Perhaps the greatest Christian writer and thinker of the 20th Century, he left a remarkable legacy of books, science, fiction, and fantasy.
Are you finding all this political “change” The One is bringing to Washington quite refreshing? If so, you are the only one. Frankly, I think it is hilarious. I’m wondering how many little groupies for change are …
[…] Wake Up America, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, CORSARI D’ITALIA, L.O.M.A., and Right Voices, thanks […]
Mini Nuclear Power Plants to be available by 2013…
A small nuclear power plant the size of a garden shed with sufficient power generation to supply 20,000 homes will soon be for sale. The reactors will be factory-sealed with no weapons-grade material, no moving parts, and installed in a poured concrete…
Is the Economic Grinch Stolen Christmas …. Or Is It The One?…
Am I imagining things, or is the Obama-Lovin’ media creating a new version of Political Correctness: Thou Shalt NOT Give Christmas Gifts? Maybe I’m just a little sensitive because there’s nothing this self-confessed Scrooge loves mo…
[…] , Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, and Conservative Cat, […]
[…] , Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, […]
Wyatt Earp’s last words were, “Suppose, suppose.”
Maybe last words are appropriate for this. I’m not going to get into a discussion about the validity of the Obama birth certificate. I have no …
At our place, you’ll find mountains of turkey and pie, (apple, blueberry, cherry and pumpkin..oh my!)
Sweet yams and mashed potatoes piled high to the sky.
I just found the coolest website I’ve came across in awhile. GOOD. Here’s a little vid they put together explaining the why of why the Somali’s are pirates now instead of fishermen.
Every year at Thanksgiving we tend to pause, and consider what we have to be thankful for. This year it’s a bit harder than usual.
Back in August my grandmother passed away, and event that shook me deeply. It was not that I was particularly …
[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, L.O.M.A., […]
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “EPA cancels 3 contracts saving taxpayers $45M. DOGE Elon Rules!!! MAGA47 Motherfuckers!” Feb 13, 21:55
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “DOGE by the numbers (so far). USAID Hearing Airs All the Jaw-Dropping Receipts https://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2025/02/13/usaid-congressional-hearing-n2652163” Feb 13, 19:23
Elwood P Dowd on If All You See…: “Said Big Donnie: “One of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China and President…” Feb 13, 17:45
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “So Rimjob where did you catch yours? And seriously you listen to that retardette Jessica Tarlov? She’s as big a…” Feb 13, 16:27
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
NOTICE In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., section 107, some material on this web site is provided without permission from the copyright owner, only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of federal copyright laws. These materials may not be distributed further, except for "fair use" non-profit educational purposes, without permission of the copyright owner.
[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, […]
Islamic Militants Hunt Islamic Militants…
If you ever needed proof that there is something seriously warped when it comes to the logic of the militant Muslim, this should do it. The Muslim pirates of Somalia, hijacked a (Muslim) Saudi ship laden with the stuff that were it not for the existe…
School stupid: Pass gas, go to jail…
Seriously. You cannot make this stuff up. Florida has decided to get tough on farting.
Florida Boy Arrested For Gas Attack
12-year-old charged after deliberately “breaking wind” in class
NOVEMBER 21–A 12-year-old Florida student w…
[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, L.O.M.A., CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox […]
The Law of Supply and Revenge…
It’s time for another Shockwave Flash movie about economics. If you’re using Internet Explorer, you may have to override a security setting to see it. Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Random Yak, Right Truth, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog,…
[…] to third world county, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, The Random Yak, Political Byline, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Democrat=Socialist, L.O.M.A., and […]
Why Obama Does not Favor the Fairness Doctrine: Hint, it’s not Good News…
The basic theory behind the Fairness Doctrine is fairness. This would mean that the expression of liberal ideas would need to be balanced with the expression of conservative ones, just as conservative ideas are balanced with liberal ones, and would imp…
[…] to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Faultline USA, The Random Yak, Political Byline, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Democrat=Socialist, L.O.M.A., and […]
[…] third world county, Wake Up America, The World According to Carl, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, L.O.M.A., CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks […]
Remembering C. S. Lewis…
C. S. Lewis died the same day as did President John F. Kennedy. Perhaps the greatest Christian writer and thinker of the 20th Century, he left a remarkable legacy of books, science, fiction, and fantasy.
The New Mexico Democratic Eastward Migration…
Are you finding all this political “change” The One is bringing to Washington quite refreshing? If so, you are the only one. Frankly, I think it is hilarious. I’m wondering how many little groupies for change are …
[…] Wake Up America, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, CORSARI D’ITALIA, L.O.M.A., and Right Voices, thanks […]
Mini Nuclear Power Plants to be available by 2013…
A small nuclear power plant the size of a garden shed with sufficient power generation to supply 20,000 homes will soon be for sale. The reactors will be factory-sealed with no weapons-grade material, no moving parts, and installed in a poured concrete…
Is the Economic Grinch Stolen Christmas …. Or Is It The One?…
Am I imagining things, or is the Obama-Lovin’ media creating a new version of Political Correctness: Thou Shalt NOT Give Christmas Gifts? Maybe I’m just a little sensitive because there’s nothing this self-confessed Scrooge loves mo…
[…] , Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, and Conservative Cat, […]
[…] , Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, […]
Marines Take on Insurgents..and WiN…
These are our guys, sweet friends.This War would soon be over……………….
If only we’d let them Git-ter done!
The Great Birth Certificate Debate…
Wyatt Earp’s last words were, “Suppose, suppose.”
Maybe last words are appropriate for this. I’m not going to get into a discussion about the validity of the Obama birth certificate. I have no …
Thanksgiving Wishes…
At our place, you’ll find mountains of turkey and pie, (apple, blueberry, cherry and pumpkin..oh my!)
Sweet yams and mashed potatoes piled high to the sky.
So much to appreciate, so little time in which to share…
So much to appreciate, so little time in which to shareBy R.J. Godlewski© November 26, 2008, All Rights Reserved It would seem that since I craft half my career around the written word that I would be prepared for just……
Happy Thanksgiving…
Somali Pirates 101…
I just found the coolest website I’ve came across in awhile. GOOD. Here’s a little vid they put together explaining the why of why the Somali’s are pirates now instead of fishermen.
Go check it out, I just added them to my alread…
Thanksgiving 2008…
Every year at Thanksgiving we tend to pause, and consider what we have to be thankful for. This year it’s a bit harder than usual.
Back in August my grandmother passed away, and event that shook me deeply. It was not that I was particularly …
Happy Thanksgiving to all…
I just want to wish all my friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving.
With all of the issues and problems in the world, today is one day we can set it all aside and give thanks for all the blessings we do have….
[…] Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, L.O.M.A., […]