I got a pretty good snicker out of this one (from The Hill)
McKinney often elicits strong opinions, even within her own caucus. She has a history of making controversial statements that delight progressives while irking moderates, yet even some of the caucus’s more progressive members have had disagreements with her.
She and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) no longer speak, not even to exchange greetings when encountering each other in the Capitol hallways, said two House Democratic sources. Pelosi twice turned down McKinney’s request to regain her seniority after she was defeated and then reelected in 2002 and 2004. McKinney first came to Congress in 1992.
McKinney spokesman Coz Carson said his boss is an effective member of Congress.
So the House Leader, herself not a very stable character, won’t speak to her. LOL.
Controversial? She is a raving wacko, and a Blame America First leader.
Effective? Neal Boortz has been reporting for years that most of her collegues in Congress do not even listen to her, and advises Atlanta area folks to seek out other Ga. Representatives for help.
I wonder what she has done this year in Congress? 11 proposed Bills, all referred back to Committee, which include:
- To provide for the expeditious disclosure of records relevant to the life and assassination of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. (why? Is there some dark, deep conspiracy involving Bush?)
- To provide farm debt and program relief to African-American farmers who suffered discrimination in the administration of Department of Agriculture farm credit programs and other agriculture programs, and for other purposes. (racist Bill)
- To provide for the expeditious disclosure of records relevant to the life and death of Tupac Amaru Shakur. Submitted 2x (A gangbanger. Great, just great.)
- To temporarily deny Federal assistance to the City of Gretna Police Department, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, and the Crescent City Connection Division Police Department in the State of Louisiana for their maltreatment of individuals seeking aid during the Hurricane Katrina crisis, and for other purposes. (But Cynthia respects the police, eh?)
John Hawkins at Right Wing News has some advice for Kooky McKinney.