Did I tell y’all about the mouse? No? Well, listen up, silly story time.
So, last week I am sitting in my office, late day. I hear some noise, thought it was interference with my PC’s speakers. Happens alot when around so many cell phones and blackcrackberry’s. But, then it started sounding different. Like it was coming from in the wall. And damned if it wasn’t.
So, a couple days go by, hadn’t heard anything else, figure the mouse, rat, squirrel, whatever, is gone to greener pastures. Maybe the cookie store a little bit down the walkway, or the food court. Nope. It never left.
Monday comes, and I wasn’t really in my office much till the afternoon. I was going through a box of old demo phones, when I saw what looked like mouse poops. Little ones. Another manager was at my store, and said “yup, you have a mouse.” Wonderbar.
Now, rodents don’t bother me. Nor snakes (had one in my old store once). Spiders, yeah! But not mice. However, I started noticing mouse poops on the carpet. Then on my desk along the wall. And in several drawers. I could have ignored the mouse, but, the pooping on my desk makes it personal.
So, I took the couple hours to clean up. Everything off the desk, take the PC apart. Open the drawers, clean them out. He was coming in through a hole in the wall where the security camera wires come in. Block that up with a dusting rag and packing tape. Take the garbage out of the garbage can (it’s a small one), cause I have to put another bag in. I always leave a bunch of unused bags in the bottom of the can, and, strangely, they look a bit chewed. Call the exterminators, and Real Estate to enclose the hole.
Come Tuesday morning, I am in my office reading the 8 gagillion (slightly more then a shitload)Â emails, when I hear a sound. It sounds like packing tape. So I check the hole. The rag is still in place. I hear it again. I bang on the desk, it stops. Then I hear it again, and get up again. But it isn’t coming from the hole, it is the garbage can. I see the bags at the bottom moving. I had taken the last bag out, and hadn’t replaced it for usuage.
Then this tiny furry head pops out and looks at me. It is a little field mouse, maybe 3-4 inches long. Then, before I could grab my camera, he hides again. He had gotten trapped in there, with no filled bag to help him climb out.
So, I grabbed the can, took it outside, and………dumped it in the dumpster. Though he pooped on my desk, I didn’t see any point in killing him. It was just a mouse being a mouse.
PS: mouse poop doesn’t mix well, smell wise, with Fantastic w/Oxyclean.

I live in the country and mice are just a part of life here. My cats get most of them. My chickens eat them as well (that one is actually quite sick; they fight over the mouse and literally pull it apart). Anyway, there have been mice I’ve caught and released. They’re quite cute really and it’s like you said; a mouse being a mouse. Now when they get in my pantry? That’s not cool. I don’t mind spiders either. I also catch and take outside. Some of the jumping spiders I put in my windows inside the house, because they don’t make webs and they catch flies. Sorry for the novel, you just touched on something in my normal life.
My boss shot me down on getting a cat. However, the funny thing is, all the suits who run the entire Southern region for my company are in town. Can you imagine them seeing a mouse in the store? LOL!