And poifect timing, too. That way I get ma name on it, rather then Teach. Mwahahahahaha!
Today is, in fact, National Pig Day (via Little Green Footballs). Did you know that pigs are actually fussy eaters? Or that
Pigs are very intelligent and learn quickly. They pick up tricks faster than dogs. Pigs rank #4 in animal intelligence behind chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants. Piglets learn their names by two to three weeks of age and respond when called.
They also rank higher in intelligence then extremist Muslims. They (the pigs, not the EM’s) are actually rather clean animals. They only roll in the mud to cool themselves down.
When it comes to pig, we Carolinian’s know a bit about it. Barbeque is well know to us, and it is a noun, not a verb, down here. Here’s an old article Teach wrote. Here’s one the Washington Post wrote.
And this is what good Barbecue looks like:
And here is Mohammed on a pig:
Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy joins the party! Where’s Beulah Mae?
Sondra K gots some.
What are you doing for National Pig Day?
Open Trackback Alliance for Wednesday: Diane’s Stuff, Don Surber, Right Wing Nation (so far)

Is that kosher? ;)
Every pig down in NC is kosher. Oh, wait, you are using that a different way. :)