Daily Archives: September 14, 2015

If All You See…

…is an evil energy and water sucking 1%er pool, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Right Wing News, with a post on Kentucky cops shooting the guy who killed a State Trooper.

Climate Change To Drastically Increase Temps In Pennsylvania Or Something

Today’s unhinged scary fable based on bad computer models, hysteria, and cracked crystal balls Report shows climate change could change everything in Pa. The Pennsylvania we know today is being fundamentally altered by the impacts of climate change, according to scientists and economists from Pennsylvania State University. Their Climate Impacts Assessment Update, prepared for the […]

Mother Is Upset After Raising Eco-fascist Who Berates Her

The words “hoist” and “petard” run through my brain. This comes via Darleen Click who notes “The second one is what is glaringly absent from this whole hot mess” Bidding My College-Bound Son Good Riddance I have raised a sweet, thoughtful, environmentally conscious monster—and soon I will be free. My son, Cory, will leave our […]

Surprise: Only 10% Think Iran Won’t Break Agreement

Heck of a job there, Barry and John! (CNN) President Barack Obama’s big policy win this week — preventing Congress from blocking the nuclear agreement with Iran — may do little to improve his sagging approval ratings. Apparently, shutting down debate is a “big policy win”, as is making sure your party is on the […]

Pirate's Cove