Daily Archives: November 28, 2014

Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

Looks interesting, but, I don’t want to get psyched up till I actually see it. The prequel had its good parts and bad parts. I loved Revenge Of The Sith, the sequences showing what the Jedi can do really were incredible. That said, had they added about 5 minutes of stuff to really put you […]

Surprise: Due To Ferguson, We Need To Do Away With Local Police

That’s right. Ferguson is so bad that we need to do away with local police, and move control elsewhere. Here’s Sunil Dutta at the Washington Post We should get rid of local policing. Ferguson shows why the system just doesn’t work. Public outrage over perceived police misconduct has led to violence again, after a grand […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful, wonderful city with all it’s awesome art of diversity which is threatened by climate change, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on girls brawling over cheap panties.

On Black Friday, Why Not Think About Hotcoldwetdry Gifts?

So, now that Thanksgiving is over, Warmists turn their sights towards Christmas and making sure everything is super “sustainable” Give a gift that sustains life on Earth Before heading out to start your holiday shopping today, pause one moment to think about African elephants, polar bears and the Pacific walrus. They are among the world’s […]

Hydro-electric Dams Now Deemed Bad For “Climate Change”

Remember the good old days when Warmists said we should transition away from fossil fuels for energy and look towards solar, wind, geothermal and hydrothermal? Well, wind is known to have a negative impact on the environment. Solar power is not exactly great for the environment, either. Many environmental groups have protested the building of […]

Good Grief: “Ferguson Is Now A Symbol, Not A Place” Or Something

When I first read that headline this morning on my tablet using the Washington Post app, minus the “good grief” and “or something”, I thought it would be bad when I started reading on the computer after grabbing the freshly made coffee. I really didn’t think it would be this bad. Or be an opinion […]

Pirate's Cove