Daily Archives: November 4, 2014

Six Ways You Can Totally Help Stop Hotcoldwetdry

I debated whether to hold off till tomorrow to blog this hilarious Guardian missive, what with the elections being today, but, hey, it’s very amusing, and tomorrow will surely be about Democrat whines, nuttyness, moonbattery, and bat guano insanery (yeah, not a word. Bummer) Six ways you can help stop climate change  ….so what is […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled machine, which is A-OK to drive if you are heading to the polls to vote D, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Lonely Conservative, with a post on wishing her luck in today’s election.

Here We Go: Washington Post Upset That Senate Will Be Most Unrepresentative SInce WWII

This comes to us from Patrick J. Egan in The Monkey Cage…hey, wait, wouldn’t that be considered racist if on a Conservative website? Welcome to the most unrepresentative Senate election since World War II With less than 24 hours to go before Election Day, confidence is growing that Republicans are poised to win enough of […]

Climate Change Is Totally Like The Sleeper Issue On The Ballot!

And Republicans are going to have to have a message soon or something! The sleeper issue of 2014: Climate change The midterms have shown that Republicans are going to need a coherent message on climate change — and soon We have one: it’s called “No. We aren’t buying into your paranoid, ridiculous, Big Government taxing, […]

Obama Is Really Bummed About This Whole Election Thing

Why? Because “everyone is shitting on him” Can Obama Reboot? Does he even want to? Too answer those questions, no and no. He is who he is, and he seems to prefer fighting over governing. He likes to be president, not do president. Barack Obama is antsy. His aides can see it when he alights […]

After Months Of Avoiding Obama, Kay Hagan Gets Him To Cut A Radio Ad

96% Obama rubber stamp Kay Hagan has done all she can to avoid Obama this election cycle. He has made zero appearances for her. She disappeared when Obama made an NC appearance earlier in the year. She hasn’t talked about him. She has distanced herself from him, all in an attempt to appear as a […]

Pirate's Cove