Daily Archives: April 2, 2014

Do You Prefer Long Pork Over Going Vegan?

I mentioned on Monday that Warmists really, really, really want Everyone Else to go vegetarian (probably at the barrel of Government law/regulation) in order to save Gaia from getting a fever some time in the far future. Well, here’s something interesting, via my favorite crazies at Grist Celebrity endorsements aside, converting to veganism remains a […]

If All You See…

…is hot water melting ice cause someone else drove a fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on compulsory lesbianism.

Pelosi: Obamacare Not About Insuring The Uninsured

No, seriously (CNS News) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says Democrats passed their health insurance law, not to insure the uninsured, but to give people “quality” health care and “affordable” health care. “Madam Leader, isn’t the real measure of success, not the raw number who signed up, but how many of those who signed […]

Bill McKibben: Climate Scientists Should Go On Strike Or Something

Bill McKibben is a co-founder of the wacky 350.org, and a hardcore Warmist. Actually, he’s more in the uber-Alarmist category. He’s known for his overheated rhetoric (as is 350.org). He’s also a massive climahypocrite, traveling all over the US and the world via fossil fueled travel, complaining about fossil fuels. Heck, in just the next […]

Sargent: Why Does Mitch McConnel Want To Take Insurance Away From Kentuckians?

This is all in the form of telling us that Obamacare is a disaster, but KeNect is super awesome The office of Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear just announced that more than 370,000 people have now signed up for Obamacare on KyNect, the state exchange. More than one out of every dozen Kentuckians — 8.6 percent […]

Pirate's Cove