Daily Archives: July 11, 2010

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! It’s a beautiful day in America. The birds are singing, the Sun is shining, Obama is going to take his 3rd vacation since the BP spill started. This pinup is by Henning Ludvigsen, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Fausta points out that […]

Uh Oh: NY Times Shows Their Disdain For The 2nd Amendment

On the 7th of July, the NY Times loved the Constitution, at least as far as Obama and Co. suing Arizona over their immigration law (which mirrors federal law) using the “supremacy clause”. But, see, there is a problem with the Left: they pick and choose which parts of the Constitution they like, often depending […]

Pirate's Cove